I am a co-facilitator of an anxiety disorder support group, and as part of a re-building process for the group we are doing mailouts to many Calgary doctors. I’m not sure about the wording, though - we’re not looking for money or anything, just to increase the awareness of local doctors to the existence of our group, and asking them to consider referring people who come to them with anxiety problems to our group . How would you word this so the doctors don’t throw it in the garbage immediately as another cash grab?
From my work in doctors’ offices, I can tell you that the doctors themselves have very little time to read any material that isn’t absolutely necessary to the performance of their jobs. In the office I worked in last (a Hematology clinic), each doctor’s secretary opened the mail and sorted it, and only things that directly required the doctor’s personal attention went to him. Addressing the correspondence directly to the secretary (or to other clinicians such as nurses or physician assistants) will probably be more productive.
At a couple of clinics I worked for, notices about support groups and such were often posted in the elevators or in the pharmacy.
Good idea about posting a notice about our support group - I can include a notice sheet in each envelope for the doctor’s office.