separate sticky about vanished threads/posters?

I don’t mean an ongoing thread with one post of information about each individual vanishing.

I mean a one-post closed thread (maybe with the subject in all caps) with general info. I know the info is already posted [post=7697012]here[/post].

My idea is to give that its own sticky.

I can think of reasons you might not do this:

  • Those inquiry threads are few and people will ignore the sticky anyway, so perhaps it isn’t worth a separate sticky.

  • Perhaps you don’t want to give even that little attention to the vanished.

Just an idea.

We had one for a while. It was replaced by the Games Forum announcement, I think. We still got plenty of “what happened to this thread or poster” threads. It seems to me that most of the people who would think to look for a sticky are the same people who already know where disappeared threads and posters go.