Sequential thread titles of the if not damned, then just slightly darned

Man, I wish this trio had been real:

I’m in love with my plumber!
Feng Shui and the toilet
CRAP! I clogged the toilet!
Obviously, the feng shui didn’t work very well, unless the objective was to get the plumber to come over… :smiley:

[sub]Note to Tranquilis: I think Bjork wore the swan to whatever awards ceremony that was…[/sub]

What do people want to see in porn
Science project help

(Yeah, it’s a “science project.” That’s it.)

Toddlers and Transatlantic flights
How to stay awake for a very very long day?

(I don’t think you’ll need help staying awake.)

What’s your favorite place to pour one back?
Naw Leans

(Well, that’s a quick answer.)

If you bought a computer in the next 2 weeks
Are you really going to swerve off the road for a squirrel?

(Well, if I was in that situation, I would have to…wait, what was the question again?)

Remind me again. What do women really want?
Feng Shui and the toilet.

Just now, in MPSIMS:
Remind me again, what do women want

On line auctions

For parents who refuse to ever hit their kids…
Ask the pornographer

Non Nude Teen Web Sites
Clue in a non-Catholic


Proof I have too much time on my hands.
I am now accepting applications for my sdmb stalker.
Remember when Fabio got hit by that duck.
Public restroom horror stories.
Note to self:
I am holding Eve personally responsible.

ISO: Dead Food Board Members
Now Accepting Applications

Poor spelling in posts
what was your most unless class in high school?

What do people want to see in porn?
how the church should deal with priests

Just now in MPSIMS:

Note to self
Need… salmiakki…

The damnedest things happen…
Well, I got my 15 minutes of fame.

My professor made fun of my name and almost made me cry
I’m holding Eve personally responsible!!!

Note to self:

So I’m thinking of getting a rat…
help me satisfy my girlfriend

Is it typical of men to offer solutions and advice as comfort?

How old are you, exactly?
Ah, I thought it was all right…


A little sexist, but kind of fun. . .
I Am Warping my Daughter

In Great Debates:

Fundamentalists don’t read the Bible.
Why would gays want to “promogate their lifestyle?”


Horrible Public Restroom Tales
Feng Shui and the Toilet

Favorite pimple stories (maybe TMI)
I am so damn good it hurts!

Britteny Speers + Joey Harrington
Alien Limericks!

From IMHO:

The Ultimate Snack
Older Women and Younger Men

NYC Dopers. Get cultural with Trout
The “Misheard Song Lyrics” Thread.

I have to ask…what were the real lyrics?


IYHO, What is included in a traditional Easter dinner?
Older women and younger men