serious question [about membership on the SDMB]

As many know. I’m only a guest here right now my question is. Why pay for a membership here? Name positave and negitave points please :confused:

We can help you with your grammar and punctuation. This is both a positive and a negative point.

Actually, I think your topic would have been better suited for About This Message Board. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s been a few topics of that caliber before. The bottom line would be: This is a message board unlike any other. If you want a place where you have a variety of answers for virtually any question you may have, then this is the place for you.

Once your guest-ness expires, you can’t post…

There’s not really any information we can offer that isn’t already available to you through your own eyes.

I suggest you make use of your guest membership to find out for yourself if it’s something you feel is worth the money.

Firstly, i’m not sure if this is the right forum.

Second, to be quite honest, i’m not sure what you want people to say. I’m a member here because i enjoy it, and the enjoyment i get out of it is worth at least as much to me as the (very small) amount that it costs to be a member.

There’s not much we can tell you that you can’t see for yourself during your one month guest membership. About the only real benefit that you lack, as a guest, is the ability to search, which means that it’s harder for you to find threads on particular topics.

Beyond that, there’s really not much you can do except check out the site and see if you like it enough to pay $15 a year to stay. If you do, then become a member; if you don’t, then move along to something else. The internet’s a big place.

If i seem rather more snippy than you hoped for when you asked the question, it’s because we get quite a lot of quests asking the same question, and to be honest it often comes off as a sort of “What makes this place so great, anyway?” type of question. While it’s always good to get new members, and the Reader is probably happy to get the income, many members aren’t especially interested in being interviewed for the position of your next online membership, as it were. Join or don’t join; whatever takes your fancy.

This thread is better suited for About This Message Board.

I have also edited the title to make it clearer what it is about.

General Questions Moderator

Positive? A comprehensive and easy to use information resource. The ability to participate in interesting discussions, and perhaps share your expertise for the benefit of others.

Negative? You have to pay $1.25 a month for the above.

Well, the positive points is that you’ll be able to post after your 30 day guest membership is up, you’ll be able to search for old threads, and you won’t have to see banner ads at the top of the threads. You’ll also be able to private message (if you can’t do that now, I’m ont sure), and there will be a thread count after your name.

The negative is that it costs $15 a year, and so that’s money you won’t be able to use for other purposes. It’s possible that you may decide that the $15 a year isn’t worth it. It’s also possible that you might break the rules while you’re a member and be banned, at which point, you won’t get your funds back.

Let’s say that you pay $15 a month for your favorite MMORPG, and this gives you 1 hour of enertainment a day. You also pay $40 a month for 300 channels on DirecTV, giving you roughly 4 hours of entertainment a day.

If you spend even one hour each day readin the SDMB, you’re getting 12X the value of your favorite MMO and 8X the value of DirecTV. Personally, I probably spend much more time here than that. For your money, the SDMB is the cheapest way to fill the most time with something that is both entertaining and educational, of anything I am aware of.

This is the only Internet message board I pay for. :eek:
Delve into it to find out why. :cool:

If you can’t come up with your own answers on the worth of this site, you’ll be better off somewhere else, perhaps.

I just realised I don’t think anyone has said Welcome. So here it is. Welcome to the SDMB haystack1989. Hope you have some fun here.

hatstack1989, welcome to the board, hang around, have fun.

To answer you question, take a look at this thread:

Why is the SDMB special?

started by C K Dexter Haven last month to answer exactly this question. As I recall, it had over a hundred responses. Not all were serious, but there is quite a bit there about why we think this is one of the best places on the net.

If you got a few minutes, read through it. it should give you some idea why you should shell out $15.

All you fools have justified SDMB membership so well, I can’t add much. Really, I pay $15 a year so I can learn from my betters. And insult them.

haystack, we’re glad you’re trying us out and we hope you’ll like it. Basically, I think this place is different from others boards because:
(1) it is moderated, and fairly well (if I do say so meself) to keep down the spam and trolling children
(2) we are trying to build community. Yes, of course, there’s some anonymity because one can hide behind a username, but basically, once you’ve chosen a name, that’s you. There are consequences to what you say, some good, some awkward. It’s like meeting new friends – you have to remain reasonably well-mannered and polite if you want to keep them as friends (except for in the Pit Forum.)
(3) we don’t suffer fools lightly. :wink: This tends to be a fairly intelligent crowd.

Some of the posters in this thread have a less than friendly tone in their posts, I hope you’ll ignore that. We really do mean to be welcoming, some folks just have a more terse way of doing it.

It’s about time to stop beating around the bush.

Your measly $15 permits you access to the world’s biggest drug cartel.

Surely it was obvious to you that all the “Dopers” here go by bizarre, if not ludicrous, aliases.

Pay up and wait for a, nudge, nudge “Dopefest” - 100K a key will be fine a “member”.

That sounds about right. :stuck_out_tongue:

Lots of positives and desultory comments so I’ll answer for the negative. (I’ve grown curmudgeonly in my time here so please to take these comments with a grain of salt.)

I don’t care if you join and I doubt very many posters here could say anything different.
Bright people tend to be arrogant, insulting and cruel when they disagree with you.
No matter what you post, someone will disagree with you.
When you learn to hate the place and flame out and say, “Buh-Bye,” there will be much rejoicing.

All this is despite the fact that I have no idea who you are or what your posting style is. If you do join, I have some suggestions.
[li]Before you start a thread, write a sound, descriptive thread title in the form of a topic sentence and paste it, in its entirety, into a search engine. Investigate the results.[/li][li]When others respond to your threads or posts, take everything with a grain of salt and err on the side of assuming that comments are not meant personally.[/li][li]Regardless of how another poster treats you, read their post and look for useful information.[/li][li]Be willing to admit you are wrong or not entirely right.[/li][li]Respond to more threads than you start.[/li][li]Wear clean, dry socks.[/li][/ul]

Despite the brutal honesty :wink: of the first part of your post, I think this part could well be made into a sticky. The only thing I would add is that “Beer should always be stored in a cool, dry space.”