Set phasers for AWESOME!

I don’t know if any other dopers have been following the Star Trek remix, but I, for one, as a long time somewhat insane trek fan, I give it my total blessing. They have done a great job updating the show, without breaking the mood. Kudos to all involved! Gene is smiling. I can’t wait to see the Doomsday Machine.

I agree wholeheartedly. The graphics they used for the Romulan warbird in “Balance of Terror” were very good; the detail of the ship was a nice touch.

I just can’t seem to catch the show, the local station moves it around so much.

They made the Gorn costume Blink! I mean something as subtle and non intrusive as that sounds that was pretty dang cool!!

Oh and you actually see the Gorn ship for once!

I enjoyed watching the Enterprise seen through the window in the background during Trouble with the Tribbles. Though it seemed odd for Kirk to be talking to the ship with it behind him. Wouldn’t it be a normal human reaction to turn to talk to the ship?

Hasn’t it always been there?

When/what channel are these on?

Here’s a link to Star Trek dot com.

When do these two things happen?

I thought on a local independent and KWGN; but I ain’t seen no stinkin’ Gorn blink.
Did the “where to watch” link on Sci Fi work for anyone?

It was represented in the original by the consumer “Enterprise” model kit, but it didn’t move, it was just suspended outside the window. AFAIK, this is the only time the consumer model appeared on screen.

I dunno… Overall I really like the subtle way that they did the new effects, but some of them just aren’t that good, at least by today’s standards. Especially the new Enterprise. I swear there are some shots where the old model looks better than the CGI. They didn’t put enough work into the textures or something, giving it that ‘plastic model’ look in some shots. And occasionally the lighting seems off.

I know it’s a fine line to walk - go too far with the textures and it no longer looks like the old Enterprise - but I think it could have been done a little better.

The ‘Trouble with Tribbles’ episode was particularly weak in this regard. The space station did not look real at all, and the shots of the Enterprise and Klingon ship also looked wrong. But overall, I like the improvements - especially the little ones that you almost don’t notice, but which give the show a greater air of realism. For instance, in “I, Mudd”, the cheezy ‘circuitry’ in Norman’s stomach looked like something out of a lousy old TV set. For the new shows, they CGI’d in a high-tech looking computer with little moving bits in it. In “The City on the Edge of Forever”, when Spock was looking through time in his tricorder, the old lame effect that they used for the tricorder window was replaced by CGI.

All those little lame effects that would make your brain go ‘bump’ and take you out of the story have been replaced, sometimes in ways you wouldn’t even notice unless you saw screen caps of the original side-by-side with the new one.

Can we please start sucking up to the Mod and give Dexter a working link to which stations carry it?

They aren’t happy with it either. They are replacing it. The new model should show up within the next few eps.

I also noticed that they have massaged the music. Lotsa little touches.

I’ve been downloading them as they’ve been broadcast. I specifically jumped ahead to Arena (haven’t gotten that far yet) after I read that post until I found the bit Kingp was talking about. Yep, that’s definitely a blinking Gorn. Awesome.

I’d wait until the DVD release to watch so as not to be a downloading thieving pirate type, but it is Star Trek and the DVD’s will probably work out to $500 per season or something insane like that. Stupid price-gouging bastards.


Bump this thread tonight and I’ll check when I’m at home with the file handy and I’ll see if I can get a time stamp.


Great Og, the link to a schedule didn’t work for me. How do I find out if these are showing in my area??

It appears to be CBS affiliates, but not in my area. A local independet and KWGN on DishNetwork have what I believe to be it; you can see terrain on planets from orbit, dirt on Kirk’s face that I hadn’t seen before in Arena, some facial hair or threads on the Gorn, but so far no blink.

The Trouble With Tribbles
Is K7 rotating in the first shot of it? In the shot where 1701 approaches, is it rotating? Does it have “K7” painted on it?
Can you see some motion in the orange nosecones of the Enterprise Nacelles?
Do parts of Enterprise cast shadows on the saucer? Does the center antenna in the deflector dish cast a shadow?

22 minutes, 33 seconds in. The Gorn’s peering over a rock and blinks. If I were a more ambitious man, I’d clip the scene out for you. It’s pretty awesome. :smiley: