Just saw the new “Enterprise”. Not bad, I thought. Very sexy Vulcan babe.
2 problems -
The Klingons have the forehead ridges. I expected they would, but now they have them before AND after the original series, but not during. I wish to hell they’d explain this.
The Sexy Vulcan Babe tells the Oriental Uhura “Thank you” in Vulcanese. Several times on the original series, Spock commented about the illogical human need to thank each other. He even said, “I believe the correct term is, ‘You’re welcome’.” If the Vulcans don’t utilize the concept of thanking others, why would they have a word for it?
We all know there are going to be continuity(sp?) errors, so let’s just get over the small ones. The Klingons with ridges, and the changing of the date that Starfleet is founded are the only big ones that I am slightly annoyed about.
And the Klingon one could easily be explained away in terms of a genetic disease, or a sub-race of Klingons, or something to that effect.
Agree on the Vulcan’s looks, PlanDaughter’s comment was she didn’t act very Vulcan.
Did UPN blow their lighting budget? Why was half of the episode filmed in the pitch dark? Hope this isn’t a trend. Mood lighting is one thing, but I’d like to see what the hell is going on.
Did the telecast ‘freeze’ a couple times? once when they were looking for the Klingon on that planet, and then again later?
I guess the ridges/no ridges is something we will have to live with, given TOS budget and make-up technology. Of course, they could still explain with the ‘genetically engineered to look more Earther’ theory later on.
They already have phasers? (ok, Phase-Pistols) Capt. Pike’s crew only had laser pistols.
I can forgive a lot because they showed Bakula in his blue undies.
I didn’t notice the freeze, but did anyone else have issues with the volume of the background music? There were a few spots I could barely hear the dialog. Or is my hearing going?
Why was the ensign instructing the Captain and Chief Engineer how to fly the Suliban ship? How could he know how any better than they did?
Any bets on who the boss from the future is? I feel certain he’ll turn out to be someone we know.
The Treknobabble was turned up to 11 on this show. I hope this isn’t a trend, but since this is a Berman & Braga show I know it will be.
I do like the opening, up to and including the theme song with lyrics.
The “we’re infected with something, let’s strip to our shorts and smear gel on each other” scene was completely gratuitous.
A flying city made up of tiny ships held together with magnets doesn’t make a lick of sense, especially when it’s so easily discombobulated.
They shouldn’t have used the transporter on the Captain so early. I thought part of the appeal of this show was supposed to be that things are hard to do for this crew.
Why was the pimp at Rigel able to speak English if this is humans’ first trip abroad?
Rigel is the Greek name of a real star. It shouldn’t have been presented as a Klingon word Hoshi’s device couldn’t translate, and Archer shouldn’t have acted like he’d never heard the name before.
Dr. Phlox assured Archer the Suliban are “no more evolved” than humans. This line more than anything else demonstrates how little Berman and Braga know or even care about science.
I’ll keep watching until they show me a green Orion slave girl, then I’ll have had enough of this crap.
I’m going to have nightmares about cookie cutters tonight.
And don’t vulcans traditionally wear more loose fitting
clothes? I mean- I was willing to let a little gratuitous
eye candy go. But then everyone came back from Rigel;
(No I don’t care if I spelled it wrong, get a life, get B5)
That’s the first time I have even been annoyed
by fanservice. It felt like B&B were beating me over the
head with a plot device that would have looked unimaginative
in a porn movie.
Not bad. The Vulcan chick could use some serious lip re-sizing, though. I also noticed the lighting, or lack thereof. I noticed the “glitch”, too. I thought my satellite dish had gone beserk. Being the anal type, I also taped the show off my local (albeit crappy) UPN channel and it went out as well. It should repeat this weekend and I’ll tape it again. (Told you I was anal :D)
ever! I’m so ticked off I can’t even proof read right. :rolleyes:
And if they had phasers, why didn’t they start out using them? oh wait, there’s an anime law about that.
And didn’t any of the Suliban notice… forget it
there are too many plotholes to list them all.
But steal a ship then fly into the heart of the enemy
undetected is so overused, hackneyed even. It wouldn’t
work against any halfway organized, sophisticated opponent.
Not only did ti freeze for me, the screen gave way to computer instructions for about 15 seconds at one point. Very annoying.
I thought that it too easily fell into the same traps that all post Original Series shows have fallen: Bad dialogue, bad technobabble, unfathomable military logic etc.
Can’t say I didn’t enjoy the gratuitous “rubbing with gel” scene. I mean, hey, they didn’t even TRY to fit that into the rest of the “plot.”
I thought the music sounded like a douche commercial. I expected Archer to ask his crew “Have you ever had that not so fresh feeling?”
The Rigel thing was extremely annoying. I practically screamed at the Captain “What do you mean you don’t know what ‘Rigel’ is? Look in any 1950’s astronomy book you moron!”
Rather liked it. A few little errors I can overlook. Some of the retro items needed to be more retro.
Liked the ship and the engine room. I also enjoyed the tension between Vulcan’s and humans. I have to say on a first viewing I think I may like this series. Drop the damned theme though… Jeeze to go sapily where no Trek has gone before.
I liked it. I’ve found out that some people just won’t like any new Star Trek, no matter what it is, though. Technobabble and minor continuity glitches? There were only a few that stood out. Just ignore the Klingons… they have better special effects and a bigger budget now. These Klingons look a lot better. The technology that I disliked the most was their transporter – the effect looked far too advanced, although I suppose my above note could apply to that, too.
The Ensign instructed the Captain and Chief Engineer how to fly the ship because he was the pilot – this is more realistic in my opinion, actually. The Captain probably has more than a passing familiarity at the helm, but the helmsman is undoubtedly more qualified. Since this is the first intersteller ship, they’d probably put the best helmsman at the “wheel,” wouldn’t you agree? He’d surely grasp another system a lot quicker than anyone else on board. Same with the translator – she, like certain people today, can grasp languages a lot quicker than most, even with no prior experience.
As a side note, I liked the pictures on the back wall of the Captain’s cabin. Picard had his “Wall of Ships,” featuring starships that bore the Enterprise name. Archer had (the three that I saw) the sailing vessel Enterprise (I am unsure whether it was the British or the American one), the aircraft carrier Enterprise (CVN-65), and the shuttle Enterprise.
The Rigel thing bugged me, and the theme song (gag!) bugged me, but I enjoyed the rest of the show. We’re watching it a second time as I type this (god I love TiVo)
Hmm, where’s Mrs Boxcar…
I enjoyed the gratuitous “Let’s watch Jolene rub oil all over herself” scene. I might watch the repeat this weekend just to catch that part again. It made the rest of the show much more tolerable. There should be some interesting fan fic coming out on the relationship between Archer, T’Pol and Tucker.
Other thoughts…
Shouldn’t the captain know his basic astronomy before setting off among the stars?
They really seemed to get the hesitancy about using a transporter out of the way too quickly.
Not worried about the ridges so much, but how come the translator couldn’t deal with the Klingon language? They didn’t seem to be an unknown species.
Overall, felt like standard Star Trek fare, not exactly ground breaking science fiction, but reasonably entertaining.
THe UPN broadcast in DFW froze up a couple of times as well. Must have been in the national feed.
It could have sucked a lot more–I still remember “Voyager” from way back, when was it?, last week. Vulcan babe is hot. Nice seeing the guy from “Alien Nation.” Especially fond of how crappy the ship looked inside. Square tubing, sheet metal with square corners, Dzus fasteners, and RIVETS! Jeeze, it looked like a Kaypro! None of that TNG flowing surfaces and earth tones!
Even though they’d never heard of Rigel before? And even though even with the Klingon they didn’t have instantaneous vocal translation?
I’ll admit, I do like having the beagle on board. That’s a nice little touch that humanizes Archer even more than the cat did Data. But I do wonder where the little feller goes. You know, wher he goes.
But generally I was more entertained by the Buffy teasers than by the show.