When Frank Parker backsteps in the TV show Seven Days, what happens to the Frank Parker (and the Sphere) that’s already in the past? Do they keep him sequestered until the exact time that the other Parker launched, and then make him backstep, too? Otherwise, I’d think the Parkers would start piling up. Likewise the Spheres (though that could be quite handy). Do they retire them all to some tropical island? Kill them?
Right…as I understood the series…what would happen is that when they did a backstep, the Frank and Sphere that came back in time would replace the Sphere and Frank in the current timeline. Thus the F&S that were in the old timeline would simply disappear.
Speaking of 7 days though, how did the series end? I’ve been watching the re-runs on Spike for a while now, and have yet to see a series finale looking episode.
Has it occurred to anyone that Project Backstep has never actually sent anyone into the past? Every time Parker backsteps, he erases the timeline which led to him being sent back.
Not only that…but none of the backstep team besides Parker has ever seen an operational backstep launch. (Not counting those early tests, where the subjects were never recovered.)
Actually, they might never have even seen a test launch…the test spheres (and subjects) might just disappear a few days before the scheduled test, leaving the team to figure that whatever they were planning to do must have worked correctly. Maybe the only backsteps that they’d consider a failure are the ones where the universe continues to exist after the test—because it indicated that the subject either got sent into the future; into some other plane of existence; or was simply destroyed.
And it’s still better that 95% of all Star Trek time travel plots.