You are guilty of SLOTH. Based on your responses, we’re surprised that you even finished this test. Our guess is that you only took it as a way to get out of other, more pressing tasks. It appears that you’re probably living a life centered around avoiding work. Do your weekends consist of short excursions from beneath the warm covers of your bed? Do you consider TV Guide a great source of literature? Although you may deem the remote control one of the great design achievements of the century, don’t forget that someone had to do a little work to invent it. Why don’t you try your luck and put a little effort into something as well? You may be surprised at what you can accomplish when you commit to something.
*You are guilty of PRIDE. Mirror mirror on the wall…Before you start deciding who will buy film rights to your autobiography, maybe you should ask yourself what makes you think you’re so special. What you assume to be looks of admiration and awe, may be nothing more than mocking glances that hide a laugh. Becoming your own best friend is a great thing, but it should definitely not become an obsession. An inflated sense of self-importance may hide deeper concerns about your own confidence.
According to early religious scholars, pride sins against the virtue of humility. When we compare ourselves to others, it reflects a vain concern with our outer trappings, rather than concern for our inner spiritual nature. The need to feel better than others should be tempered with a more humble focus upon ourselves as we really are. The medieval Italian poet Dante Alighieri considered pride the least deadly of all seven sins.*
Hmm… the least deadly. Yay me. I thought the test kinda sucked… I mean, it assumed I was going to sin in each situation. I do good every once in a while.
Well I was hoping for lust but got Envy instead. And honestly, this isn’t me at all. Or maybe it is because I’m jealous that everyone else got lust. LOL
You are guilty of ENVY. Love thy neighbor did not mean your neighbor’s stuff. You seem to always want what you can’t have, and never feel quite satisfied. Why do you care about the Jones’, and why do you always have to keep up with them. You probably have a lot to offer and should not feel jealous of those around you. Life is too short! Enjoy the blessings that you do have, especially friends and family, and keep a positive outlook on life.
Luster here. Like there was ever any doubt.
Lusters of the world, unite!
It’s time to reinstate the weekly orgy!
Let us all revert to free love and such like, and promptly die from nasty viruses!
how did it start? well i don’t know i just feel the craving. i see the flesh and it smells fresh and it’s just there for the taking…
Me and my friends once tried to commit all 7 deadly sins over a period of about 6 hours. I didn’t make it because the food at dining service was too nasty for gluttony.
It’s really, really easy to do when you’re 16. Fr’instance:
OK, so I spent Valentine’s day alone. So I couldn’t get a date. Hell yes, I’m envious of all of you lust crazed weasels & sexual deviants that could . So sue me.
With magic, you can turn a frog into a prince. With science, you can turn a frog into a Ph.D, and you still have the frog you started with.