Ok maybe this is a naive question…but I have seen a couple of stories lately on TV about conjoined Siamese twins. I apologize up front for not being able to site any references here but one or two sets of twins that I saw on The Learning Channel each had wives and one set of twins had sixteen children between them…so what I am wondering …since they are joined at the hip… what the hell does the one twin do while the other one is screwing his wife… play solitaire? Wouldn’t the love making act by those two be kinda hard to ignore …and physically how do they manage it? One set of twins I saw had only three legs between them so jeezz I am wondering if they only had one pecker…I mean I am having a hard time even conjuring up an image here. And for that matter what does the one twin do when the other is taking a shit? Other than of course hold his or her nose. And btw I mean no disrespect to any twins out among the teeming millions, it’s just this particular circumstance that I am wondering about. Can anyone shed any light on this subject?
Of course that’s just my opinion I could be wrong.
Dennis Miller
I recall reading (in Ripley’s Believe it or Not!) when I was a kid, about a pair of Siamese Twins…one died before the other. It went on to say that the survivor moped around the castle for days!
There’s a movie, “Twin Falls Idaho”, I’m pretty sure is the name of it that deals pretty sensitively with this subject. I recommend it.
Work like you don’t need the money…
Love like you’ve never been hurt…
Dance like nobody’s watching! …(Paraphrased)
Chang and Eng Bunker, the “original” Siamese conjoined twins, married sisters and had twenty-three children between them. I suppose the sisters were pretty darn close to begin with, and I always get a chuckle out of saying “between them”.
I suppose that being face-to-face with your sibling for your entire life makes for a different attitude towards privacy.
‘This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased. Deny it.’ cried the Spirit, stretching out its hand towards the city. ‘Slander those who tell it ye. Admit it for your factious purposes, and make it worse. And abide the end.’
-C. Dickens
…aaaaand once again handy weighs in with some unneccessary comment. Handy, if you don’t like the “question and answer” format of this site, LEAVE! I’m so tired of seeing nothing but “why ask” from you! SHeesh. Have you ever contributed anything worthwhile?
That said, I’ve often wondered about the OP myself… especially trying to figure out what position you would use when you are joined facing each other!
I hate to be logical about it, but let’s face it, there ain’t a whole lot of option here. When they shit, the other probably sits on a stool or something. When they screw, if they’re modest, then the one probably wears a bag over his head; if not,then the four of them probably do it together - that is if they don’t share a member. Sorry to burst yer bubble.
Daisy and Violet Hilton were Siamese twin sisters who performed in the early part of the 20th century. One of them was married (I don’t recall which one) and the other was asked what she did when her sister and brother-in-law were making love. She said she’d usually read a book. My guess would be that Siamese twins, for obvious reasons, don’t develop a traditional sense of privacy.
What about when they are adolescents? How do they deal with masturbation, arousal, etc? It would be kind of hard to ignore your twin wanking right beside you… Or, if you both shared a cock, who gets to beat it? And who feels it?
There were these female siamese twins, one was a nymphomaniac, the other loved to play the saxaphone.
Both of them loved Julio Iglasiases. One day he did a show in their town, they went to the show, snuck in back stage, met Julio, had a few drinks and soon they were back in his hotel room. The nympho had wild sex with Julio while the sister played her saxaphone.
A few years later, one of the sisters read in the paper that Julio was coming back to town, she said to her sister, “Lets go to the show, maybe we can party with Julio again.”
IIRC, the female conjoined twins mentioned above had a lot of trouble getting marriage licenses, however the males did not, hopefully that would no longer be true. Also, each pair is different in their anatomy. There was a female pair in life magazine about 3 years ago that were about 7-9 years old that had 2 heads, two hearts, three lungs, two spines one pelvis one pair of legs, and one vagina. They can walk, ride a bike and swim. I guess I may just be twisted, but all other things being equal, I would jump at the chance to find out,
It gets interesting in the case where they both share part of a body. If they’re just attached at the skull, and the rest is seperate, then the obvious is most likely true, when one takes a dump, the other holds it’s nose and sits nearby, etc. For sex, obviously one sits there and waits through it, or if they’re into that, both participate.
Where it gets weird though, is when they (like in the case mentioned above,) share a body from the pelvis down. Do they both feel sensations? Do they split the body, one having control and sensation from one half? Where does that vagina lead, which twin actually carries the child, or is the uterus in ‘shared space’?
At least, you wouldn’t worry about it really being your sibling’s kid and not yours, because you’d share genes.
It’d be interesting if both twins felt the same sensations, because it’d be hard for one to not pay attention. But then, they probably wouldn’t have a ‘traditional’ relationship, with each twin having a seperate spouse.
Would be worse, would be if one twin didn’t have any genital sensation, then they’d never understand what the other one was doing all that work for, but they’d be forced to go along with it.