"Sex and the Mikhail Baryshnikov"

Anyone see the season finale of Sex and the City? Good lord, does Mischa look good. Plus, they filmed a scene at the Russian Samovar on West 52nd, where I attended my first Dopefest ever so many years ago!

Is it really that red downstairs? And so gleamingly beautiful upstairs?

I should have taped it so I could watch him chase after the cab over and over and over . . .

The restaurant? Or Mischa?

Did they show Mikhail nekkid? He’s kinda ooky but you don’t get to see many world leaders naked so I am interested. I always figured he was hung like a horse and uncut. Is that true?

Dude, you’re thinking of Mikhail Gorbachev. (BTW, ew!)

The guy on S&TC was Barishnikov, theballet dancer, who is decidedly un-ooky.


Not Mikhail Gorbachev, the former Soviet Premier. Mikhail Baryshnikov, the dancer.

(forgive me if your post was in jest, and I’m foolishly de-muystifying the joke).

Whooooosh. :slight_smile:

I could certainly see Samantha having a fling with Gorby . . . “Now, that’s what I call foreign relations!

A surprisingly good episode. I think this season has been pretty poor – Carrie is suddenly a screechy 13-y.o. girl this year. But the stuff with Charlotte was affecting and completely believeable, as was the payoff of Miranda’s story.


I was very VERY impressed with this episode. And I was totally taken by surprise by Miranda’s actions–very nice payoff in that story arc.

And yes, ohhh, yes Mr. Baryshnikov looked absolutely delicious, especially while leaping over obstacles to stop that cab. :smiley:

Bah. It was rushed to fit in everything into the last ep before the big break. “Three weeks later, Miranda and Steve were back together.” Oh? And would we, the viewing public, maybe be interested in seeing how that worked exactly? Oh no, please, smoosh this major development into a 5-second voiceover so that we have plenty of time for Kim Cattrall to flash her pussy on-screen. Again.

But I think the show has a history of that type of thing, Otto – it often displays a critical moment in a relationship and then there’s a voiceover saying what happened. I agree I would have liked to see the scene with Miranda breaking poor Blair Underwood’s heart, but it didn’t bother me that much.


Can I have Blair Underwood? Nekkid? I haven’t seen this episode yet. I’m so fucking tired of Kim Cattrall, though. She’s so one-sided. I mean, everyone loves a slut, but she’s gotten a bit tiresome.