Recently, while Mrs. Top was out of town for awhile, we joked about how we hoped we could control ourselves until she got home. Now she’s home, we were talking and I got to wondering; If we hadn’t waited, what laws would we have broken in the following scenarios; vehicle with untinted windows (Easy to see us), vehicle with deep tint windows (somebody, if they tried, could see us), or enclosed vehicle (impossible for somebody to see us.)
Generalities are OK since this is a hypothetical situation (either we did, and got away with it; we didn’t get away with it so I know what we’d be charged with; or we didn’t and I just think about weird stuff ).
Having been on the receiving end of female affections while operating a motor vehicle, the violation would fall under the heading of distracted operation, lack of attention while operating, or a similar section. As the saying goes: Og gave men two heads and enough blood to run only one at a time.
In Virginia, you’d be guilty of violating the law against indecent exposure, which provides:
I think you’d be safe in the enclosed vehicle, however.
This is a general discussion of a hypothetical situation, and is not intended to be advice in applying the law to a set of real facts. I am not your lawyer. You are not my client. I am not providing anything intended to be legal advice, and you should not rely on it as legal advice.
An ex-girlfriend and I got caught at 1 in the morning in my car, in a parking lot, at a bank. Whoops. A cop rolled up and said we had to leave and if we got caught again we’d get busted for trespassing. He seemed not to care at all what we were doing. (Ohio)
If the car starts-a-rockin’ don’t bother knockin’.
There was an article on this subject in my local newspaper a while back. The cops just ascertain that no sexual assault is going on, then tell the people to leave.
My S.O.-of-the-time and I were in a car in a pull-off by my old school…we were not doing anything wrong but just sitting to talk…I think it was just out of curiousity that a policeman stopped and asked what we were doing…didn’t seem to care much, but he was just wondering if everything was alright…of course, it was…haha
I have a friend who got a blow job while going through the Burger King drive-thru. No one bothered to call the cops. It was way too entertaining!
I think untinted windows would get you a ticket. Tinted windows would probably not, as the person watching you would have to press their face up to the glass to get a look. That’s just not fair.
Heheehh. I have learned my lesson. Having a cop tap on the window and shine a light on us as we’re frantically zipping up our pants scared the bejeebus out of me. I was 28 at the time. 6 years ago. The possiblity of being busted for public boffing made my arse pucker.
Did I mention I’m gay and live in Ohio? No more car sex for me…well, unless you count the times my current partner and I have been flying down the highway when…
In a fully-enclosed vehicle, parked legally, I think you’re safe. The cops may roust you, but I don’t think they can charge you with anything, unless you are so loud that passers-by can clearly hear your entreaties.
Otherwise, the usual “indecent exposure” laws will trip you up.
Yeah. I’ve heard apocyrphal tales of Ohio residents winding up as “registered sex offenders” due to having had (otherwise legal) sex in cars and getting caught. I’m hoping those tales were apocryphal.
Thanks for clarifying the “gay in Ohio” thing, btw. It helped give me context for your answers in that Cafe Society thread on TV show hotties…
As happened to me. The windows were quite fogged up and it was raining pretty hard.
The cop tapped on the glass and we rolled down the window just enough to make eye contact. He asked my female companion if she was there because she wanted to be there. She thankfully said “Yes” and he told us to get lost.