Now this is probably going to be a loaded question with worms everywhere, but I’ll try my best to be as PC, and unoffensive as possible. Also the correct forum for this question is not clear, and the word general is the best I could do. Here goes.
Now a question similar to this has been asked before, and it focused on why some (I suspect most, but thats unfounded speculation) Homosexuals flame, i.e. act obviously gay reinforcing every stereotype. My question is less about mannerisms, but more about straight forward actions. I admit that the issues may not be able to be seperated.
Here’s the question. Why do homosexuals seem to have a need/desire to advertise that fact and in general scream to be noticed? This is obviously not all inclusive, but it certainly seems quite common. The question was prompted by matt_mcl’s and a few other of our resident gays’ comments to unrelated topics (I’d dig up references, but under the new format its more of a pain in the ass that I feel is worthwhile). Some examples to help explain my point. Matt’s thread about his desire to wear male skirts seems to me to fit my description. I see this as a trend that is used by homos (excuse the abbr., it merely for speed) to make others aware of their orientation. Others in the bumper sticker thread have mentioned they have bumper stickers (buttons) that promote their preference. The rainbow bumper stickers are extremely common, and the strange enthusiasm that surrounds the gay pride/awareness parades in most cities (the name even proves my point). Many gays I’ve met and corresponded with online always seem to go out of their way to share their preference, and are quite proud of the fact (not to imply they should be shameful, but proud is not healthy in my opinion). I understand that this is frequently needed to give context to certain opinions, but I’ve noticed it when it serves no purpose.
Does anyone have a idea, opinion or out and out (no pun intended) fact that explains this. I am curious about the homo. contingent’s (male and female) ideas and opinions.
Is it a useful tool that gays use to locate potential mates? It seems to me that it is kinda unhealthy and I relate it to the detestable trend of gays to out unwilling public figure to “further” the awareness movement. It strikes me as a sign that even gays have a unhealthy political opinion on the way they want to be treated. In other words, shouldn’t gay’s, blacks, of any other minority strive to be seen as simply people, no more, no less, no different than their other human counterparts. I see the gay, feminist and black “movements” as detestable not because of the people they represent, but because of the seperatist and punative ideals I see them creating. Now I may be making more of this than it is, but the entire concept of gays wearing the badge that professes their orientation to the world is a step back in the goal of equality and tolerance.
Please note that all opinions i’ve shared are not intended to be insulting, confrontational, or otherwise inappropriate.
The facts expressed here belong to everybody, the opinions to me. The distinction is
yours to draw…
Omniscient; BAG