sex term

is there a word for someone who has sex with inanimate objects?

Ummm…a masturbator?

If it’s a toothbrush, I can give you a name.

If a term of self reference, then “spouse” for many people.

vegisexual, if it happens to be with storebought produce…
or even garden grown.
“Sir… are you having sex with a pumpkin???”

“What the… is it midnight already?”


Pygmalionist, rather. Pygmalionism is the attraction to inanimate objects, named for “a king of Cyprus who carved and then fell in love with a statue of a woman, which Aphrodite brought to life as Galatea” to quote

An excerpt…

“Standing there shiny and proud by your side,
Holding your joint while the neighbors decide,
Why is a vegetable something to hide,
To hide, to hide, to hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide?”

–Call Any Vegetable by Frank Zappa

It almost has to be a form of fetishism. But I don’t think there is a more specific term. I could be wrong.

The website of a woman who fell in love with, married, and had sex with the Berlin Wall (don’t ask) called it objectum-sexuality. I don’t know if that’s an accepted term or just hers, and the website seems to be down.

um… How 'bout lonely or horny… or both? :smiley:

Pygmalionist, didn’t you guys look up at what others said before you? Thanks for the intelligence boost here Ender_Will.

So what would a galateist be into?

[whisper]The password is paraphiliac.[/whisper]

Paraphilia is not exclusive to inanimate objects. Any fetish counts as a paraphilia.

Child molesters, or people into S&M, bestiality, or any of a host of other fetishes are paraphiliacs. The term is too broad.

That sounds a little too sweeping, to me. As I understand it, foot fetish is one of the more common ones, and that doesn’t seem to match any of the terms in the definition of paraphilia.

And presumably, a galateist would refer to an inanimate object which enjoys getting it on with living things :D.

yes according to the Consise Oxford English dictionary the etomology of the term originated a long time ago and describes exactly the type of person you enquired about, the term is spelt: F-R-E-A-K