I was just waited on by a young lady with dark brown hair and blue eyes. And I realized that that could be the sexiest hair/eye combo ever designed by God. Plus she had freckles, which made her even hotter.
I have red hair and green eyes, so I vote for that combination as the sexiest. I know that voting for one’s self is tacky, but when it comes to sexiness I need all the help I can get.
Dark hair and light eyes. They can be blue or green, doesn’t matter to me a whole lot. But there is very little I wouldn’t do for a pair of blue eyes. siiiigh
If a girl is wearing glasses, it doesn’t matter what color her eyes are, but she’ll definitely get me to take notice. For me, a good pair of glasses can turn a 4 into a 7 or a 10 into a 12.
My husband has gorgeous blue eyes and delightfully wavy dark brown hair. That was my favorite personal combo even before I fell madly in love with him.