Sexiest hair/eye color combo

I was just waited on by a young lady with dark brown hair and blue eyes. And I realized that that could be the sexiest hair/eye combo ever designed by God. Plus she had freckles, which made her even hotter.

So what hair/eye combo rocks your see-saw?


As soon as I read the thread title, I thought very dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. But I also love blond hair/green eyes.

Long, straight, black hair, and bright blue eyes.

I knew a girl in high school with this combo, and she also looked strikingly like Angelina Jolie.

Wild black hair and green eyes. Wow!

Dark hair and pale blue eyes, or blond hair and dark brown eyes.

I have red hair and green eyes, so I vote for that combination as the sexiest. I know that voting for one’s self is tacky, but when it comes to sexiness I need all the help I can get.

very dark brown to black hair with dark brown eyes

Black or dark brown hair with blue eyes
Red hair with green eyes

All women are sexy, but either of those combinations is like a bonus!

No, you don’t. :wink:

Dark hair and light eyes. They can be blue or green, doesn’t matter to me a whole lot. But there is very little I wouldn’t do for a pair of blue eyes. siiiigh

So…how *you * doin? :wink:

Red hair green eyes definitely gets my vote.

Ditto! Although I’ll take blue eyes with blond hair, green eyes with red hair, and brown eyes with black hair.

I’m not picky. **Harimad-sol ** says I’m very appreciative.

Yes, that was me. :wink:

I’d answer the OP, but I can’t say I care about eye color. Hair: brown or black.

If a girl is wearing glasses, it doesn’t matter what color her eyes are, but she’ll definitely get me to take notice. For me, a good pair of glasses can turn a 4 into a 7 or a 10 into a 12.

I like both, especially on a woman.

Yes. Bright eyes are too lucid. Dark eyes are sexy and mysterious. Mmm, mmm, mmm, the darker the better.

Mmmmmmmmmm… gimme a blonde guy , longish hair , with brown eyes. I’m a goner .

Green hair, red eyes.

My goodness, you are my Dream Man: you like green-eyed redheads who wear glasses. :slight_smile:

My husband has gorgeous blue eyes and delightfully wavy dark brown hair. That was my favorite personal combo even before I fell madly in love with him.