In the light of this weekend’s installment of the fascinating serial “Mr Hersh Goes to Washington, Mr. Bush goes home”, I am asking myself:
How is this guy still alive??
The ongoing pain he is causing some very powerful people, coupled with the likellihood that it will get worse for said vpp, makes me reconsider some of my conspiracy theories.
The question I pose:
Is Hersh alive because:
a. I’m crazy, no one in a position of power would murder to keep said power…?
b. they want to but can’t get their shit together?
c. they were blindsided, *someone deep inside is giving them up, and it’s too late now to kill hersh and blow up his file (cyberstashing, and all)?
(is it time to think about the Kerry /Powell ticket…?
If his lack of death is proof that the Bush administration isn’t “all that bad,” I think we’re setting the bar a liiiiiitle bit too low.
My response is D: Slaying your political opponents does not get you far in America.
Not A, because people can and do kill for power. Not B, it’s fairly easy to kill someone. Not C, if they’re going around killing people, they can get rid of the evidence.
This is just plain stupid. Hersh is not Trotsky, and Bush is not Stalin.
The mere fact that you are seriously raising the possibility of this literally makes me sick to my stomach. For as much as I loathed Clinton, I would never accuse him of killing Vince Foster, as others have.
The whole concept of politically motivated murders in this country is revolting. Before you start down this road, ask yourself if you really believe what you’re saying, because God help the rest of us if you do.
Alaric, buddy, your side (like my side, only more extreme) is on a winner. Rumsfeld is looking like a war criminal, and some of this must be transferring to Bush.
Don’t talk conspiracy theory crap like this. You just look insane, and you bring other positions held by people of your ilk (ie that the Iraq War was a bad thing, that torture of prisoners was a bad thing) into disrepute.
If you really want to help, go argue this kind of rubbish from the other side (John Kerry eats kittens! Hilary Clinton is evil demon-spawn from the planet Magoombah!).
Holding this last stuff till after rumsfeld and cambone have ;perjured themselves is artistry.[/QUOTE]
come to think, maybe hersh’s inside guy is so far inside he is privy to the administration defense stratgy…which would explain the delicious rhythm of testimony and publication.
First off, let me say that I have no inside knowledge of the current stories. I haven’t asked and don’t plan to do so.
But from the looks of things Hersh has one DAMN fine source deep inside the administration. I mean WHOA NELLY would I like to have that sort of access. And it wouldn’t surprise me at all if he’s not revealing all he knows and filing the serial number off what he DOES know to protect his source.
As far as killing members of the press I can think of no way to turn ALL members of the press corps against an administration than that. Even the ones loyal to the administration would turn on them for that. So unless they could do it with ABSOLUTE security (which is impossible) the problems are greater than the benefits.