Shagnasty is a misogynistic prick

There are pranks that are funny, and pranks that are mean. Funny is handing someone a can of peanut brittle and a spring snake pops out, the prankee gasps, and everyone laughs. Mean ones are where only the pranksters laugh. Jumping out in a dark garage in a clown suit with a chainsaw causing genuine terror. Haw, haw.

What **Shag **did was mean. Why? Because two people the girl trusted, her friend Shagnasty, and her boyfriend, conspired together do something to trick her. To what end? So they could laugh at her later, and tell all their friends so they could laugh and belittle her too? Maybe toss in a little slut shaming, too? Betrayal of trust is such a powerful blow to one’s sense of self. That there was also a sexual and intimate component to their prank, just takes it to another level of meanness and betrayal.

Yup, just a harmless prank. Hyuck, hyuck. Poor **Shag’**s a victim, too, because he didn’t really enjoy the part he played in this odious little scenario.

Of course you will. You can’t help yourself. Because you have a pathological need for attention and drama. You lack self control. You will also continue to engage in self-destructive behavior. No matter what you tell yourself, you can’t keep it from hurting everyone around you.

Continuing this pattern of delusional thought and behavior makes you poison, Shagnasty.

None of this ends well for you, or anyone in your circle of influence.

Bullshit that Shag didn’t enjoy it. Is that why he spent 20 frikkin’ minutes kissing and molesting her?

I don’t know if kissing without consent counts as sexual assault (I would guess so, not interested in finding out), but making out without consent absolutely does. You can’t consent to sex or make out with a person if you don’t know who that person is.

I’m as far from an SJW as you can get, but I don’t get how this isn’t obvious. Have you ever heard “rape by deception?”

And the thing is, you’d never guess from his username!

I was curious to see if there was an article about a rural Louisiana school getting torched in Google somewhere, and one of the search results pointed to this book, With Extreme Pleasure. It looks like some kind of romance novel you see in grocery stores to fill out the fiction shelf. The handsome yet damaged rogue mentions a trifecta he had with an older woman that happened twenty years ago in rural Louisiana, and then his house burned down. “And fiction doesn’t hold a candle to the truth.” That phrase at least sounds more believable than “It really happened!”

I otherwise couldn’t find any relevant news articles, except for a school arson that happened this year. I’m assuming Shag didn’t graduate in 2017.

Didn’t our pittee also claim that he, uh, did it for like 7 hours or something? Not 7 hours of foreplay, etc., but hours and hours of the actual in-and-out part.

If my MN rural HS had burned down my senior year (1977), you likely wouldn’t find anything online about it. All knowledge being online is a pretty recent phenomenon, and a lot of old newspapers aren’t being archived online anywhere.

True. But, like myself, Shagnasty is 44. Which puts his senior year in 1991 (assuming a normal HS trajectory). Pretty close to the dawn of the internet. Chances are good there’s something.

Also, like myself, he’s white, has kids, and has an ex. I’m a good father, successful in my career and help out the elderly whenever I can… blah blah blargh. Yet, I’ve managed not to ever sexually abuse anybody or do anything without their consent. Even when I was 17. Maybe—just maybe—all those things mean nothing when it comes to the fucked up shit people are still capable of.

Shagnasty, just because you do good things in some areas doesn’t mean you do good things in all areas. Guh doy. And you do realize you’re changing your story with each iteration, on a message board. This shit is written down. By yourself. Wake up, dood. You’re an awful, lying, narcissistic human being.

[quote=“Shagnasty, post:27, topic:801661”]

As I have explained before, I honestly don’t know what happened or why. I thought I was just doing a simple prank but it turned into something else that I had to figure out how to get out of. It wasn’t fun and I may never know the reason. It was only kissing and I was shocked that it worked unless she was in on it.

Since you are such good friends with her still why don’t you ask her if she was in on it? If she was in on it as you surmise, you will have confirmation that it was a prank on YOU. If not then she probably won’t speak to you again but hey no big loss as she isn’t in your “preferred” demographic anyway.

That was my first thought. Each quote reads like it should end with “yeah, that’s the ticket.”

I’ve been following Shagnasty’s thread with strong interest. I have a few thoughts to share.

I think there’s a few things that no one has touch upon. Shagnasty doesn’t seem to be getting it.

People mentioned that some of his behavior is creepy. Right. They didn’t really go into why, and what steps he can take to stop appearing creepy to women. I’ve seen tons of similar discussions on the internet. It’s like some men just don’t get it. And women seem frustrated by the fact. I blame the post-modernism that has destroyed higher education. It is rampant in the social sciences. Young people learn (falsely) that all gender differences are socially constructed. Yes, some are but not all. Some are biological. Some men never learn, as they age.

There are tons of men who approach the dating scene as if they were dating other men. They lack empathy and fail to recognize two very important facts about women:

  1. Most of them aren’t as strong as men. Of course, we know that, but many don’t INTERNALIZE the fact. In modern society we are far removed from “the cave”.
  2. Women have limited amount of mating opportunities. And she has go through the hot mess of what you call pregnancy. Men’s mating opportunities or pretty much unlimited.

When women are interacting with men, those two things are almost always in the back of their minds. The average man could kill a woman with his bare hands, if he wanted to. Smart and stable women avoid men who appear dangerous, and who lacks boundaries. Also, they don’t want to get stuck with children with any men who appear flighty. It’s too much of a biological cost. There are some men who do not get these facts.

Every time a guy interacts with a gal, he needs to remember that. If he can’t learn empathy, he needs to at least fake it. Now, there are tons of ways to learn to put women at ease, but there are too many to list here. I recommend that Shagnasty needs to be formally coached by a man who is very happy and successful with his mating life.

Also, take a look at the reading list I mentioned in AHunter3’s sex differences thread in the IMHO forum.

Pretty sure you could use a refresher course on “gals” yourself, pops. “Gals”, to start, don’t like to have things mansplained to them. They also don’t appreciate “fake empathy” in order to make them feel “at ease”.

Shag’s problem isn’t that he has trouble with his mating life. He’s not unhappy with his alleged success with women. Shag’s problem is that he treats it like a sport and women as disposable props. He’s too self-absorbed and delusional to realize his behavior is destructive with respect to the message he is sending his daughters.

Maybe if he weren’t such a nasty shag. :smiley:

I get the same vibe as the rest of you all, but I actually don’t think Shagnasty is a fabulist. I think the majority of the stuff he talks about really happened (that his high school really did burn down, that his Mother really is a worldwide lecturer, etc. etc.).

I do think he has deep-seated issues with women. I suspect those issues have plagued his life, going back at least as far as his failed grad school experience and through his failed marriage.

I hope that whatever face he puts on this publicly, he will privately take this pitting and the examination of the sexual assault “prank” to reflect on whether what I’m saying has some truth to it. If it does, it’s never too late to improve yourself.

Perhaps we can get DkTrdGuy to coach him in how to fake being a more empathetic shag.

My Wife misunderstood what "mansplaining " is and now I don’t know how to correct her.

Do you have some bears I could be torn apart by instead?
