Shagnasty is a misogynistic prick

DukTrdGuy: You forgot to mention that if the gal you are interested in happens to be liberal leaning, avoid the Chick-Fil-A lest you be spotted and end up with that juicy blackmail material hanging over you the rest of your life.

I can’t make sense of this. The money is good… buuut she’s a drain on resources. That doesn’t make sense. And women who bring their own money into a relationship don’t make good partners.

I can’t figure that out. If she’s a successful VP and makes her own money, how is she a drain on resources? And if she can pull her own weight financially, then why does that make her a bad partner? Because she has needs and opinions and feelings and and thoughts and stuff, you know, like a whole, real person? Because if she brings her own money into the relationship, then she probably wants some input into how that money is used?

Can anyone translate for me? Not grokking.

Would love to, but I have a root canal scheduled instead. I could swap, but the root canal seems like more fun.

I tend to believe him because he’s pretty consistent. He’s said *the exact same things * on four different occasions that I can remember. I wish he were making it up and there weren’t someone as sub-human as him preying on women. “Starting a new relationship” :rolleyes: Heard it. We’ll hear it again soon.

One day he’ll cross the wrong woman. I have some Russian girlfriends (although I’m sure not as many as Shag :rolleyes:), and they can get pretty vicious when wronged. One day a woman will get pissed at him and his genitals will be permanently embedded in his abdominal cavity.

“Actually, honey, THIS is what mansplaining is.”

I remember reading that one of the traits of a pathological liar is that they tend to tell their yarns the exact same way every time.

Also, they tend to pepper their lies with a little bit of truth to make them sound more plausible.

I’m sure the OP was really good, but I didn’t bother reading all of it because I already knew shagnasty was a piece of shit.

Help, Spice-y you’re our only hope!

As another data point on how this story has evolved into “only kissing,” here’s what you said in your Pit thread about this from 2008:

The new “maybe she was in on it” narrative is also curious, as elsewhere in that 2008 thread you said it was actually your idea:

I tend to agree. Here’s my take on his stories, from another ocasion when he was Pitted:

Being the person threatened (however empty the threat was) in the other thread after I posted the statute information, I heartily endorse this Pitting. The sentient pool of carrion vomit in question has an enormously overblown view of itself and its influence in others’ lives. It’s as if it has an impotence it can feel all the way to the fibers of its being. Since I can’t ghost it here like the many real life women it comes in contact w/, I simply won’t address it directly nor write its name on this board again; its entertainment is influencing our reactions and is what keeps it coming back and I’d rather it took its stink elsewhere.

So, like a reverse Yahweh? shgnst
As in: “Did you know shgnst has a BMW?”

Even removing the accusations what is also shown in the OP is your attitude towards women. It’s quite clear in your words when you are not trying to show that you have loads of woman friends whom you treat brilliantly. Your unguarded moments as quoted don’t show you in a great light. Your only comeback is that you’re great and the story is being blown up out of all proportion and to call the OP crazy. Sad!

This post confirms my speculation that he has the rape story saved locally as a word document or whatever:

Bolding mine. And here’s the link to that post.

So, a show of hands. How many of you have had a terrifying and traumatic experience that you wish hadn’t happened and write a long, detailed story about it, save it on your computer, and post it multiple times on a message board you frequent over the years? (I mean, I know some people work through genuine trauma by writing it out but you know what I mean) Anyone? Just Shags, then. Yeah.

Is it terrible that I hope he sticks around? There’s not a lot of people on this board where just by reading their posts, I can pull a BigT and suddenly feel morally superior to them, but Shag fits that bill for me perfectly.

I’m going to quote one of my posts from the other thread rather than reword the same basic points:

I was interested to see upthread that **Morbo **found an old post where **Shagnasty **claims credit as the “brains” behind the sexual assault prank:

An alternate possibility, which I can mention now that we’re in the Pit, is that the entire sexual assault “prank” story is a lie. But if that’s the case, it’s pretty troubling that he both wants us to believe it is true and is determined to defend his (fictional) actions.

Shagnasty strikes me as a dishonest person in general, although as others have said he may be the type who embellishes actual events rather than making things up out of whole cloth. Either way, he’s a terrible person and, frankly, a bore. I think **mhendo **really nailed it:

**Shagnasty **is a one-trick pony on the subject of his own greatness. Whenever he shows up in a thread, regardless of the topic, he’s sure to start telling us about how special he is. Even if he were somehow cured of his misogyny, he’d still be a tedious braggart.

What I like about Shagnasty is that he is 100 percent secure in his heterosexuality, and wants the world to know it.

You’re just jealous because you can’t have tumescent, penetrating sex for 6 straight hours:

What the ever-loving hell???

Which really needs to be changed to Quagnasty. Or Shagmire.

Giggity, indeed.