Shameless solicitation from a poster (almost) nobody knows!

(Posted with the full permission of our illustrious mods)
I’ve been a Doper since 2001 and although I read much and laugh often, I almost never actually have time to post. A few of you may remember me from that scintillating “Ask the pastured poultry farmer thread I started earlier this year .”
I am in need of votes to be considered for a substantial private sector grant and I’m here to beg, grovel and plead for your vote. Whatever it takes.

My husband and I operate a small pastured ( free-range) poultry farm in Central Texas not far from Austin.
Our birds are raised and processed humanely. We don’t feed any antibiotics. Our chickens fertilize the fields naturally and we are possibly the only farmers that have ‘Welcome Back’ signs posted for the grasshoppers and other bugs each Spring.
However, we have reached maximum production capacity with our current infrastructure. We really need to expand our facilities to meet the increasing demand and become truly sustainable.
If you’d like more information about our operation and practices, please visit our web page at or shoot me a question.
I’ll outline what we would do with the money when I boldly bump the thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s easy to vote for us but you have to be on Facebook. Just log in with your Facebook ID, put in ‘Dewberry Hills Farm’ Lexington, Texas in the search function and click vote when we come up.
You can look for your favorite local small business too as the limit is one business per city but you can vote for as many businesses as you like as long as they’re in a different city.
Here’s the link:
I’d promise a chicken per Doper vote but like I said, we don’t have enough to go around. It’s a long shot but we’re halfway there. If any group can take it over the top, the Dopers can. I’ve seen it happen. The witching hour is June 30th so we only have 10 days left and I only stumbled upon the site last week so the pressure is on.

Thanks for your consideration.

Done. I gather we can vote once a day, right?

I voted and posted my vote on my FB page so all 5 of my friends ( :wink: ) can vote too!


Done! Can we at least name a chicken Cecil?

You betcha!

129 votes!

(Not to other potential voters- log in to the mission small business link above to vote, not Facebook.)

Voted, and posted on my page as well. Got plenty of locavore supporters amongst my friends (and “friends”), so hopefully a few will vote as well.


(Did I mention “Dewberry” is one of my family names? On my mother’s side.)

Done! I’m a locavore, especially for animal products - no factory farming, so basically vegan unless eating at home or a couple of acceptable restaurants. Supporting you from someone who pays $20-25 for a whole chicken!

Alas, no. You can only vote for us once. Unless, of course, you have multiple identities on Facebook.

On the farm, all the chickens are named Cecil.

How co-inky dinky is that?
We have wild dewberrys vines and we have hills-I’m sure you see where this is leading. I’m just not that imaginative. Our latest stray dog acquisition is called L.D. for little dog, which she is.

That’s important. Thanks for pointing it out.

And to** all **the rest of you that are voting and promoting, a huge thank you.

(Shameless attempt to garner sympathy votes.
It’s been an interesting couple of weeks. Terry, my partner, was bitten by a copperhead on Saturday. He’ll be fine but it’s been a tad trying the last few days Watching the votes come in is really wonderful.)
This is a long shot but at least it’s a shot.

Voted and shared. Good luck!

Voted and shared on both Facebook and Twitter.

Good luck!

I’m wearing a tiny imaginary chicken shaped sticker that reads: I Voted!

Good Luck, and thanks for being nice to so many chicken dinners :slight_smile:

Voted! Good luck, with your grant and your business!

done deal, voted and shared.

Done! Here’s hoping you get your grant and the very best of luck to you.

BTW, if you ever want to talk about raising free-range chickens I would read it.

Done! Good luck!

I don’t do Facebook very much, but I voted. And I think I shared, I’m not sure.

Is it voting if we click “like”? (I don’t do FB that often either), or is there an actual “vote” link somewhere?

If it’s there, I can’t find it (not your fault, but that of my ancient old eyes).