Shameless solicitation from a poster (almost) nobody knows!

The second link in the OP is what you want. From that web page, choose “sign in with Facebook” and then search for the farm and click the “vote” button when you find it.

I’m sorry, I’m such an idiot (and/or blind), I still can’t find a vote button! I put their name in the search link, and their facebook came up, but still no vote button, just a “like” button. Sigh…

Found it!..nm

Darn, can I vote for you if I have already voted for someone else?

Wow! Checked our votes over my first cup of coffee and we’re up to 170. Just 80 more to go and we’re there.
Dopers are the absolute best, they really are.

The second link is the one you need to click on.
It is a bit confusing, I know.
I included the first link for anyone that wanted to check out our farm before they voted.

That must be one big chicken!
One of our purposes in applying for the grant is to reduce overall costs including labor.
If we can automate just a small part of our operation and negotiate our grain prices a year in advance in, we can reduce costs for our chicken and make it more affordable for everyone. Currently we charge $3.75 per pound at the farmers market but I’d like to see that go down to $3.50.

And yes, Crowbar of Irony +3, you can vote for us even if you have already voted for another business as long as they’re in a different town. To the best of my knowledge, we are the only business in Lexington, Texas applying for this grant.
Just ‘liking’ on us on Facebook doesn’t cut it though-you have to vote on the Mission: Small Business site.

That’s hilarious.

Voted. I think that if you get the money, we need a photo of your chickens throwing a party.

You would have my vote if it hadn’t already gone to a friend’s local farm/orchard. Good luck!

Done-now I have to figure out how to get a party hat on a chicken.

Good for you and good luck to your friend. You *can * vote for more than one business though as long as it’s not in the same town. I’m voting for other business too.

Voted & shared! Good luc… I have MANY animal rights friends on FB, so this should give you a boost!

OP said you can vote for one place per town, so unless your other vote went to somewhere in Lexington, TX, go nuts!

Done! I was lucky number 173.

Done. Good Luck to you.

Voted, liked and shared. I said that you were so nice to your chickens that people could feel all smug inside just by voting for you. :slight_smile:

I liked your thread. Made me look sideways at my Walmart bag o’ frozen chicken boobs.

Done. I get all my chickens from Texas. Have done for years.


Done! And was also able to vote for more than one local favorite as well!

Voted! 181!

Done and done! 183 now!



Wish I could say mine put you over the top, but you are at 186, awesome!

All three of us (my dogs have Facebook pages) voted for you. Good luck!