Share you desktop wallpaper

I’m looking for a new desktop wallpaper, the Windows XP basic background is getting old to me.

I considered making one of the cool pictures of clouds from Siam Sam’s “Cool Clouds” (or whatever) thread. I’m mostly looking for a cool space/atmosphere picture.

Any help is much appreciated. :smiley:

Ignoring the OP and just going by the title…

This is mine.

(At least it’s a NASA photo. :wink: )

It’s all good, post any wallpaper ya’ll like. I just like the space/atmosphere ones the most (I think it appeals to the omnipotent side of my personality, like I’m watching some huge galactic thing that that I might have control over someday.) :stuck_out_tongue:

I like to go to astronomy picture of the day and see what they’ve got. If I like it I set it to background. Sometimes if they are real good I leave them up until I get bored with it.

As stated elsewhere in these forums, I’m a huge Phil Ivey fanboy.

This is my desktop wallpaper.

Over here:

I like to have a mostly-black background, so my icons pop a bit more. So I rotate between these:

Earth’s moon, as shot by Cassini-Huygens. Beautiful, and has a fascinating backstory.

The most awesome conflict ever conceived by human artifice. I took an illegal screenshot and put a black background around it. Sorry Brandon Bird!

My desktop photo. Took that on the Colorado River a couple years back; it’s still my favorite photo I’ve ever taken.

Mine at the moment.

I am embarrassed to admit that I have so many damned icons on my desktop that I couldn’t see wallpaper no matter what it is.

I try to put stuff in folders, but am in the habit of always “save to desktop” and don’t get around to moving it unless my desktop is too full to add more crap.

I get a lot of my wallpapers from Icanhascheezburger. I also have a lot of video game wallpapers, such as one of Sephiroth (from FFVII) and several of Squall (from FFVIII). I have maps of video game worlds, and I put them up when I’m playing the games, so I can look at them.

My screensaver is the Slideshow, so if I see something that I like better than my current wallpaper, then I change it. has a lot of neat wallpapers, some free, more for subscribers.

My current wallpaper. It’s from a trip to Zurich.

There is just enough of the outside edges covered in dark trees to hold my icons and make them visible.

I’m a big fan of amazing geography and I have a bit of a lust for travel that has not been tapped. Ergo, Victoria Falls.

I prefer artistic renditions of spacescapes to actual astronomy pictures.

taken across the street from my house.

WOW. I can feel what it would be like to jump right into that water. Gorgeous.

My wallpaper is my own face, from a cellphone picture. I’ve typically got some number of windows open in maximum as to cover it completely, so I’m often a bit startled at the end of the day when I’m shutting down.

This is mine. I change the background every few days with a cartoon that strikes my funny bone.
This one arrived the same day I bought some ceiling paint.

Last week’s

I did have this, but I just this moment changed it to this (SFW, but only barely).