Share your Covidiot stories

I hope his organized anti-mask protest goes on as scheduled. I hope it is overrun by pro-mask counter-protesters. They should carry signs like “Stand up for your freedom! Be like Caleb!” They should have his embalmed body in a casket on wheels on display (or, if that’s unavailable, a full-body realistic effigy).

When you are trying to convince people that Covid is no big deal, it’s better if you don’t die from it.

I heard claims that his having Covid is itself a self-serving lie. I dunno anymore with these people.

Covidiots punishing someone trying not to be a covidiot:

Sad, but predictable.

They weren’t opposed to vaccination, they wanted to wait.

Damn it, people, don’t wait! Get your frickin’ shots. I’ve had three now. Two initial shots of Moderna and a booster. It’s a lifesaver. Not just yours, but many other lives.

But…but…natural immunity is better!* (a familiar antivaxer refrain)

So what if you have to get sick to obtain it? Small price to pay.


“This whole thing is just beyond ridiculous at this point,” John Pierce tweeted on July 28. “Take your mask off and live your life.”

“Take out the ventilator and die.”

A Different Kind of Covidiot (M.D.)

I’ve had a horrible cold that has persisted for weeks and left me barely able to get out of bed for many days. I am very prone to secondary infections like bronchitis when I have a bad cold, so I dragged myself to the walk-in clinic.

The nurse who took my vitals offered me a Covid rapid test, which I gladly accepted. I didn’t think I had Covid, but why not confirm, right?

I waited in the examining room until the doctor came in, told me I didn’t have Covid, and started walking out. I called after him, “that’s not what I’m here for!” He turned around and asked why I was there. I started telling him what was wrong. He interrupted me and barked “REST UP!” and left.

Did he ask me the usual round of questions about my symptoms? Nope. Did he listen to my chest and look at my ears, nose, and throat? Nope. Did he do any of the things that an MD/NP/PA typically does when figuring out whether I should have a round of antibiotics? Nope.

Sure enough I ended up with an ear infection. Ouch!


I don’t doubt that Governor Hutchinson is a covidiot in many ways.

Still, seems like free, easily accessible monoclonal antibody treatment is a good thing, no?

From what I’ve read, it’s not really in doubt that in some cases (early cases, from what I understand) of COVID, monoclonal antibody treatment can be quite effective.

We’re not talking about horse dewormers here.

Almost exactly the same for me. I had viral bronchitis and had just passed a covid test. Doctor said he couldn’t do anything (I was there to see if it was a bacterial or viral infection) but insisted on treating me as if I had covid and said I should get retested because I probably had covid. Note - I didn’t have covid.

Monoclonal antibodies are most definitely a good thing, but, of course, they are not a cure.

Seen somewhere:

"Your house is on fire. Do you:

A) Call the fire department, or
B) Boast about the capabilities of the local hospital’s burn care unit."

(Please don’t take this as any sort of criticism of the efficacy of MCA - or of burn care units, for that matter.)

I’m going to go on the record as saying I’m not sure I believe this - frankly, I think there is a good chance that this was just more of the contempt of court bullshit that has pervaded the court proceedings surrounding the Capitol riots.

I can hear it now “I’m just not going to show up, tell that %&$# radical socialist n-word judge that I have Covid har har har. If they want me to call in, tell them I’m on a ventilator har har har.”

Seriously, I don’t know why anyone believes a word that comes out of any of these people. Especially this fraudster.

ETA- I was just searching for a link on this guy’s sketchy background and it looks like I might be right.

Now, they are saying that that he thought he had Covid …. Yeah, right …but “only appears to be suffering from dehydration and exhaustion in relation to his tireless work on behalf of his clients”. No explanation for the ventilator part of the story. The tell for the lie was the wording of his associate’s statement to the judge…, the insertion of “we believe” in the statement about him being placed on a ventilator.

Updated story

Seriously, I was on to this bullshit as soon as I read the story - no outside confirmation, no hospital name……just the same gratuitous disrespect for the legal system that is the hallmark of his fraudulent career.

If a man isn’t one of those covidiots who think the virus itself is a hoax, maybe letting him know that covid can cause erectile dysfunction might get him to get the damn shots.

And another one who owned the libs:

It continued, “We kindly ask that privacy is given to Marc’s family during this time of grief.”

Fuck that noise. How about the survivors of people who died following his line of BS crash his funeral?

Unfortunately, “wait” is halfway or mostly as foolish as outright antivaxxing logic itself.

I guess Q lost one to Covid…or maybe not!

Mark Tassi today is announcing the death of his friend, former CIA officer Robert David Steele, of covid. Steele was a frequent guest on Alex Jones, and known for his vaccine, 9/11, and Sandy Hook conspiracies. Naturally, Tassi has a conspiracy that the hospital killed Steele.

It depends on how long you wait and what you do in the meantime. We stayed home and didn’t see anybody (including family) except for outdoor distanced visits or full two-week quarantines on both sides before visits. But that was when people still wore masks in grocery stores. When that changed, it was a trigger for us to get the shot.

I think the J&J blood clot issues shows that my hesitation wasn’t entirely unwarranted.

But enough time has passed now that ‘wait’ is becoming a very tenuous position.

And if you are waiting, but spending time in enclosed spaces with people outside your house, then yes. That is foolish.