I would like to see what other Dopers drink in terms of personal Cocktail mixes. Obviously, the cocktails I will be sharing include alcohol, please feel free to add any type of cocktail, even non-alcoholic, to this thread.
As a general reference, I´ll use a “normal” sized glass as the cup to put your mixture in.
When I refer to a “splash” of any drink, I´m reffering to a near-full shot glass of that specfic drink.
These are drinks I´ve made up by myself that I consider to be quite good, any unitentional copying of any drinks you may already know is purely coincidential.
Wine Martini Fizz
Take the glass and fill half of it with ice.
Then, in a wine glass, pour the amount of red wine usually served in most restaurant, that is more than half way full.
Pour the wine into the Glass with Ice.
Then add 1 and a quarter splash of Martini to the wine.
The glass should be half full (perhaps a bit more), finish filling glass with 7up or Sprite.
Crazy Gin Blue
Again, take a glass and fill it halfway with Ice.
Buy some Hypnotiq (for those of you unfamiliar to this fruit liquor see here:Hypnotiq - Wikipedia)
Pour Hypnotiq in glass, fill to 1/3 of glass (maybe a bit more if you so choose)
Add two splashes of Gin to glass. (use 1 1/2 splash of Gin is taste is too strong)
Finish filling up glass with 7up or Spite.
(Optional) For extra kick, add half a splash of Vodka to drink.
As befits the English summer, we have been experimenting with Pimm’s (I say!)
We discovered a veritable goldmine of cocktails at Wikipedia , including the quaintly named Pimm’s Henley Skullfarquar.
Camping in the New Forest, we decided to try out a version - slightly amended from the original, but a pretty close approximation. Ours seems to have doubled the quantities listed in the original, but that is purely in the interests of economies of scale. And not wanting to have to argue about who makes a second jug.
100 ml Smirnoff Vodka
1 pint of Strongbow Cider
100 ml Pimm’s
50 ml Gordon’s Gin
50 ml grenadine
250ml lemonade (optional according to the original, but recommended)
Strawberries, grapes, pomegranate seeds, cucumber, fresh mint leaves
Large jug, plenty of ice
It is deceptively fruity and rather innocuous-tasting after the initial shudder, and you really don’t feel like you are drinking anything too extreme. The jug lasted through the cooking of the barbeque, the eating of the meal and the general sitting around that a summer evening camping requires. There may, or may not have been some beer consumed too.
**Skullfarquar **is not, however, a misnomer.
Mr S ended up with facial abrasions and wounded pride after a ‘comfort break’ at 6.30am ended with him face down in the leaf litter. Twice. I feel bad as although I heard the ‘thump’ (twice), this being the New Forest, there are New Forest ponies crashing about in the undergrowth quite a bit, and I assumed it was one of those. He required a deal of cleaning up, rather a lot of ‘there there’ing and a few paracetamol.
Mmmmmm… Pimm’s. I’ve been craving one all summer, and now that fall is almost upon us, I guess I missed my chance. Somehow, it just doesn’t taste the same if you’re drinking indoors.
And speaking of fall… I’ve been struggling to find uses for my abundant lemon verbena bush, since it won’t survive a Canadian winter. Solution - stuff a generous handful of lemon verbena leaves into a large 1L mason jar and fill with good-quality vodka. Set aside in a cool dry place, shaking periodically, to allow the verbena to infuse.
After a couple of weeks, you’ll be ready to make a Lemon Verbena Martini:
1 oz lemon verbena vodka
1 oz limoncello
Place in a cocktail shaker with ice, shake until frosty, and pour into a sugar-rimmed martini glass. Top up with soda water if desired, and garnish with lemon curl and/or a sprig of mint.
1 Bottle Quality Vodka, with two-three shots removed.
1 Garlic clove
1 Olive
Two shots of dry Vermouth.
Drink down a bit from the bottle. Put in the garlic clove and the olive, top off with Vermouth. Cork and put in freezer. After one month, take bottle out and shake it a couple of times and pour yourself a perfect, ice-cold martini.
I drink Pimm’s all year. I’m rather a Philistine that way.
It’s surprising good around the holidays - when you tend to want drinks with some spice to them.
My grandfather’s standby cocktail was always Canadian whisky, peach brandy, and ginger ale - typically a jigger of each in a tall glass. I mix this from time to time using American rye. It creeps up very slowly, but with deadly effect.
Waste some time swirling it so the grenadine sticks to all of the inside of the glass (giving it a nice hazy red shade all around).
Pour in 1 part Lime Flavored Gin to 1 part OJ (or to taste, but I usually go 1:1)
(yeah, this drink is fun with bigger cups :p).
Put in Ice, and stir- the drink should be a healthy shade of pink.
Enjoy! It should taste like Grapefruit juice if you get the concentrations of Lime Gin and OJ right with the Grenadine.
If not, you can experiment to try to get the perfect taste, but when it DOES like like Grapefruit juice, watch out-- you can give it to people and they’ll end up silly quite right quick if you don’t point out how much Gin you actually put in there!
2 oz gin (I recommend Plymouth)
1 oz fresh-squeezed lemon juice
Sweetener to taste (I use light agave nectar)
Shake thoroughly, then strain into an 8-oz flute.
Fill with champagne.
Twist of lemon.
You might want to try making a Cablegram:
Highball glass with ice.
Juice of half a lemon. Optionally, drop the lemon rind into the glass.
Optional: Sweetener to taste (I’d recommend demerara sugar)
A good shot of rye.
Fill with strong ginger ale.
Optional but recommended: A dash of Torani Amer or Pimm’s.
And since the OP asked for original recipies, and since fall is fast approaching, here’s something I call the Jersey 75:
2 oz dark rum (Realistically, I recommend Mount Gay Barbados Sugar Cane Rum, but if you want to get really schmancy I’d recommend Ron Zacapa Centenario or Zaya)
1 oz fresh-squeezed lemon juice
A dash or two of Fee Bros. angostura bitters
Sweetener to taste (light agave nectar or demerara sugar)
Pour over ice into a Hurricane Glass (Or a Pint Glass will do in a pinch)
Top up with soda water and a twist of lime.
This is one of the nicest drinks I have ever tasted. It’s a very complex taste, as if you set an orchard on fire and rammed it down your throat, twisting all the while. Burns like God’s vengance but one or two of these will sure as hell set you up for the rest of the night.
(This was meant to be added to my last post but I took too long :/)
I called this this the Lyon Tamer because I was living on a street called Lyon Ave at the time, and this drink takes serious intestinal fortitude to get down.
I have a couple other drinks which I’ve made up though, ones not quite as potent:
Ma Grandmere Est Flambe (Apologies for my bad French spelling)
Doubles (60mL) of:
Vanilla Galliano
-Blend with cream and ice like a smoothie, add Chocolate Syrup and Honey if you like.
Candy Apple
Get a Martini Glass.
Pour Honey into the bottom, just half a centimetre or so.
Tip the glass and rotate while pouring Creme De Cacao around the edge so it drips down the inside of the glass, coating the sides.
Mostly fill the rest of the glass with Apple Sours.
The RotorGasm
Take a Champagne Flute, fill it with crushed but not too crushed ice
1/3 Creme De Cacao
1/3 Baileys (so that it floats on top of the Creme De Cacao)
1/3 Cointreau (so that it floats on top of the Baileys)
Don’t stir, but just drink. First you’ll just be drinking straight Cointreau, but as the drink slowly mixes together as you tip your glass, it will evolve and become wonderful.
Rim an iced glass with bitters
Shake together Gin, Grenadine and a splash of rose water
Top off with either Soda or Tonic water
Adjust the amount of grenadine according to how sweet you like it. I’ve also done it with half grenadine, half lemongrass simple syrup and that’s also good.
We were having a barbecue party and ran out of pineapple juice and coconut cream when I was making piña coladas, so I made up something that used orange juice and Baileys instead. Everyone loved it. One of our friends, who is sensitive to alcohol and so usually only has one drink, actually wanted a second one just because of the taste.
The only problem is that the Baileys in combination with the acid from the orange juice tends to form a thick foam, so you have to keep stirring it as you drink or you end up with a crust of foam on the top. That seems to be less of a factor with coconut cream.
Naranja Colada
1 part Cocomo
1 part Baileys
2 parts Orange juice
about a handful of ice for each drink
This was also made up based on what we had on hand at the time.
Melon Mist
1.5 shots Midori
1 shot Vodka
shake with ice
empty into glass
add club soda to taste
I recommended shaking to melt the surface of the ice before adding the soda. Rough ice provides nucleation sites, so the carbonation comes out too fast and makes the drink flat. You can substitute ginger ale if you want, but in combination with the Midori I think it comes out too sweet. Might be less of a factor with real ginger ale, as in made with actual ginger, as that probably has enough bite to balance more.
1/3 Kahlua
upside down spoon held over the Kahlua 1/3 Baileys poured slowly over the spoon to form a layer
as above with 1/3 vodka,
Screaming Orgasm
shoot it, the first taste is the raw vodka and it gives you that initial feeling you are drinking straight hard booze but then the baileys hits followed closely by the kahlua leaving no burn but a nice warm fuzzy sensation and a chocolaty taste…mmmm