Sharing my Mii!

The other Abe Lincoln is mine. I’m also responsible for Li’l Adolf (as mentioned before), Charlie Brown, Lucy, Homer, and Bart. (Li’l Adolf is actually a fluke- he was supposed to be Homer at first, but made me laugh so much while experimenting he stayed.)

I made a Charlie Brown also - called ‘GoodGrief’. Most of the rest of mine are just my real-life friends.

If Al has rounded glasses and a gaping mouth, he might be ours. What can I say, I prefer pre-LASIK Al. :wink:

I had to tell my son to stick with making Miis of people he knows, lest our Mii Plaza get filled up with random incarnations of “Bob” and “Steve”…

Got about thirty-something Miis in my Parade, too!

Going to add you today. And You can tell when you’re confirmed when the name in your address book turns solid black. That’s when Miis might start to wander in.

Alright, I got my Wii yesterday and I’ve added everyone in this thread to my address book. Everyone please add me! I want to get a Mii parade going.

My number is 1354-5410-2800-3699.

I’ve got a couple of Miis made up, one for me and one for my GF. I may get more creative later.

Finally found a Wii today. How fun!

My number is:

4963 7631 0812 2316

I’m a new Wii owner! Yay me. My number is: 4573 4861 7435 1345

Finally got a Wii…hope someone is still watching this thread!
8373 3978 2311 8879

Still watching! Just haven’t added any numbers to my list for a while, but I will later this week… has instructions on making various famous and celbrity miis and you can submit your own.

Finally got a Wii (and got around to adding codes). I just added every number in the thread. Trying to do them all at once is, well, trying. :slight_smile:

My code is:

4018 2690 0763 4047

Please add me, I’ve been working on registering everyone in this thread.

2680 3958 2168 2297

Posting to this thread (from my Wii) to add my Wii number: 3527 0289 0185 8083. Add me, cause I’ve added you!