I couldn’t find a thread related to this. If I missed it, I apologize.
I am really looking forward to seeing this movie. I know the teasers look unrepentantly corny and silly, just like Shazam from many of the classic comics. Nobody seems to have much of anything good to say about it. The film is daring to be stupid and hoping we’ll believe it has the charm to pull it off. Maybe it does and maybe it doesn’t. I don’t actually like the odds but I am eager to find out.
I actually really want to see it too. But are you seeing bad reviews or something? I haven’t looked for anything but I hadn’t heard of any ‘warning signs’ like it not being released to critics or anything.
It looks like they are targeting teen boys - I’m hoping it’s got enough going for it that an old fart such as myself might enjoy it. Seems like it might hit the right level of silly.
To be quite honest, I’m hoping it goes just a bit beyond the right level of silly. Shazam! should be about as edgy as a cue ball and I’m afraid they’re going to crank up the character’s snark and sarcasm.
As far as seeing bad reviews, not really. I’m also not seeing the buzz I would have expected either. This suggests to me that the studio has little faith in it.
You can thank Geoff John’s reimagination of Billy Batson for that. I’m of fan of Billy Classic, but I’m also a Levi fan (his turn in Mrs. Maisel was awesome and, of course, Chuck) so I’ll be there opening weekend.
How did I miss that? I didn’t recognize Zachary Levi on sight and the name didn’t ring a bell so I never bothered to check the cast listing. I haven’t seen Chuck for years but I really enjoyed Levi’s work there. I wanted to see this film already but it just went up a notch for me.
I’m a fan of the Big Red Cheese from when I started seeing reprints of it in the late 60s. I think it might be a little too goofy – Captain Marvel* was usually pretty serious, if innocent, and the goofy stuff happened around him.
I am a bit disappointed the the villain (I see it’s Dr. Sivana – which really was the only choice) matches the Captain’s strength. I wish it were a brains vs. brawn instead of brawn vs. brawn.
Still, I’m intrigued enough to give it a try.
*The correct name for the character. Another reason for me to hate Marvel Comics.
I thought the humour in the trailer was a bit broad for my taste, but I might watch it when it comes out on Netflix to play “guess where in Toronto this scene was filmed”. From the trailer I recognized the PATH beneath the Royal York hotel, for instance.
Huh. Everyone I know was talking about how the trailer looked good, like DC wasn’t going to make another dour or dark movie and have fun with it. I was under the impression people were excited about it.
Granted, that doesn’t mean they won’t botch it, and the lack of reviews is concerning. But I thought people liked the idea from the trailer, at least. With at most people saying “this one joke was a bit too [far/silly/etc]” over it. (A peeing joke, IIRC.)
I am looking forward to this far, far more than I am the Marvel Captain Marvel. At least Shazam! appears to have tried something different from other superhero films, whereas the Brie Larson vehicle looks like pretty much all Marvel comic book movies.
The preview looked stupid. If they’re going to do humorous superheroes they should go for deadpan humor like Mystery Men and The Specials. I’ll probably watch it when it comes out on TV.