She sent back the ring.

I checked the mail today to find a small package from my ex-fiancée. I guessed what it was before I opened it. She sent the ring back.

I know that it was over, four months ago; but as long as she had the ring, there was still hope. Maybe ‘hope’ isn’t what I mean. It’s just that receiving the ring back is so… final. I’m a little sad. :frowning:

Awww! :frowning:

Did you guys talk it over? Maybe she thought that after 4 months of not organising a reconcilliation that all of HER hope diminished??

I understand your sadness. I will feel the same if and when my wife files for divorce. We’ve been seperated 5 years.
However…at least you can sell the ring and get some of your money back. She was under no obligation to give it back.

Good luck as your life moves on.

She’s the one who called it off.

Oh, well. In 50 years I’ll be dead.

Awww, that sucks. :frowning: I don’t know what that must feel like, but it must be ripping you. But, I’m sure you’ll get through it and move on with your life.

Dude, I’m sorry. :frowning:

Sorry to hear that. :frowning: I know that this has been a difficult time for you but I hope that things start looking up for you soon.

Just as a suggestion, if I step on your toes then please firgive and ignore me.

But why not do the same thing. Like cleansing yourself or whatever it is thats caled these days. Send her something sentimentel that she gave you. Not something really important that you can’t bare to part with and need it to feel better, but something small. A peice of jewellery? A cd? An item of clothing.

Just a suggestion… :slight_smile:

Nah, just throw it all away.

I’m sorry for you, Johnny L.A.. Hope you get through this OK.

I know that this has been a very rough year for you, Johnny L.A., and I can imagine how hard it was to see the ring come back. I hope, however, that it marks the start of a feeling of closure, however painful the transition may be.

[I’m separated from my soon-to-be-ex-wife, with a divorce in progress (entirely at her instigation), so am aware that there will one day be a set of final papers that will come through the mail. I’d like to think that I will take it in stride, but know that it’ll be a very hard day to get through.]

Still, it looks as though new doors may be opening for you. Good luck with that, if it’s the direction in which you choose to go. Perhaps it’s no coincidence that you didn’t change your name to Johnny PNW? (Yes, I realize that matters may be more complex than can be contained in such a flippant remark).

I can imagine much worse situations to find oneself in than becoming a “West Coast Bi-Borderite”. Good luck! May the next 12 months be better than the last.

<slides Johny a beer…>

To my Lady-Doper-friends:

Ladies, when a man is down like our friend Johny L. A. there’s only one way for y’all to bring his spirits back up.

And that something is for y’all too… GET NAKED! and give Johny the best lap dance of his life.

Here, I’ll play the music: Boom - chica - boom - chica - boom - boom - chicka…

Sorry to here about your loss dude. Just know that it’ll get better. It may not feel like it right now, but it will. Trust me.

Having endured this exact same thing at one point in my life, I can speak from experience when I say that pretty soon you’ll take the ring to a jeweler or pawn shop, learn that the mark-up on jewelry is astronomical and that you aren’t going to get much of your money back, but YOU WON’T CARE.

“Meh…that’s cool. Just give me what you can for it.”

And then it’ll be gone and you won’t have a little talisman of what might have been. You’ll have a couple of bucks that you can go out and blow on whatever strikes your fancy as you close that chapter of your life and start a new one.

It’ll feel good. Believe me.

Sell the ring. Buy a big bag of weed and a bottle of booze. Find a hooker.

Get drunk. Get stoned. Get laid.

Donate the rest of the money to your local library.

Something in there has to help.


Keep the ring. Make it the object of your “Director’s Gimmic” as you make more mainstream films. Something like, within the first 10 minutes of the film, The Ring will be clearly visible on the hand of a woman who makes a horrible error in judgement and regrets it for the next 90 minutes as her cinematic life is drenched with personal trauma and downward emotional spirals into the abyss of despair.

If you’re shooting a wedding, have an actress wearing the ring seen to be hiding under the stairs bawling her eyes out over a torn and ancient photo of the groom and *her *; If you’re doing an animal documentary, she gets stomped to death by a moose or mostly eaten by a rabid wolverine, or maybe she’s an angel who charms the lives of all she touches–but only accidentally, and only at tremendous personal cost. You see where this is going. Be subtle, but have fun with it. At least you found out BEFORE the wedding that she wanted to take another path, many of us weren’t so lucky.

You’ll be alright. As much as I don’t want to believe in God I can’t help noticing that every painful event in my life was only painful because I allowed it to be so, and when I go past the hurt of transition it became clear to me that in order for the good things to come to me I had to lose “less good” things to make room or allow for the new opportunities.

We’re still friends. I wouldn’t want to do anything like that. When she called it off in January, I asked if there was any chance she’d change her mind and she said no. She’s been having a difficult time back in TN, so I think that she just got around to sending the ring back. I knew there was no hope; but getting the ring back reminded me of the fact. Anyway, as I said we’re still friends. I wouldn’t want to do anything that may hurt her.

I’m still trying to get rid of my stuff. I have a pile of eBay things that I have yet to list.

It will be a lot of work, but it will definitely occupy my mind!

Heh. Lapdance? The look-but-don’t-touch thing is a bit depressing. [sub]Geez, gettin’ a guy all worked up, rubbin’ her puffies all over him, and then leaving…[/sub]

I drink very little, I don’t do drugs, and I don’t use hookers. I can’t ‘get laid’ because A) sex has to mean something to me, incurable romantic that I am; and B) I don’t know anyone who likes me that much.

I want to use my car as my ‘Director’s Gimmick’. Unfortunately, the MGB won’t be done for my short. I’ve got the Herald though, and I can put it in the background someplace. It is a small British convertible!

Yeah, it seems I tend to bounce back. It’s just that getting the ring back reminded me that I’ve lost my last best hope of having a relationship. I’ll get over it.

Go shooting.
Then get drunk.
In that order.
I promise you’ll feel better.

Yeah, if you do it in the opposite order we’ll be hearing about you on the evening news.

That’s nonsense. Honestly. Don’t let that become a self fulfilling prophecy. Wallow in your pain for now - we all do - but don’t stay there. Recover from your loss, move on, and keep your eyes open. You’ll meet someone again someday.

Well, at least you got it back and can get a few dollars for the thing. I told my ex-wife to keep my wedding ring and sell it with hers, and give me the money. However, it’s now adorning the finger of her second husband, the guy who moved in three weeks after I moved out.

She did offer to give me our bed. Yeah, like I wanted THAT reminder!!

No, no, no, no, no. She was NOT your “last best hope of having a relationship.” No no no. Unless you’re on your death bed and about to kick in the next five minutes, you just don’t know what life has in store for you. It might feel like there is no hope, but there is. And when it happens, you won’t believe how pessimistic you were to think that in a world of 6 billion people you couldn’t find one single one to be with.

I was on the internet dating services, meeting one wrong guy after the next, and if you’d asked me then what my future would hold, I would have told you I would be alone forever, and that was that. Then, I met my husband. It happens that fast - one minute you’re alone, the next minute you’re with your mate.

Like others have said, wallow, feel sorry for yourself, hate the world for a bit, then get over it and get on with it. I will not for a second believe that you will never find anyone. You just haven’t found them yet.