Shelf life of peanut butter..............

I used to get PB from a health food store that had a grinder. You put nuts in the hopper, put your container underneath, turned the switches and out came fresh PB. We always kept it in the fridge and, kept that way, it never separated and didn’t get rancid in a couple years, anyway. Sadly the store closed at least ten years ago.

Can’t you just use any good food processor or blender to do this at home?

I have a jar in my shop that I only occassionaly use. My guess is a minimum of 4 years old. I have to stir it up every time I use it as the oil sperates. I maybe use it only a couple of times a year. Las time I used it the lid was not as tight as it should have been and I almost trashed it but the smell was fine after stirring.

If you put it in the freezer, that should boost the shelf life enormously, right? This is because the oxidation reaction, which is probably some variant on combustion, needs the reacting species to interact with sufficient energy (and orientation) for the reaction to happen. Lowering the temperature would make only a tiny fraction of all the oil molecules in that jar to ever meet the activation energy criterion, and so the rate should drop nonlinearly to near zero.

Somehow this has brought back the taste of C-rats past. ROTC didn’t rate high up the food chain and some of the stuff we got was real vintage. The peanut butter and crackers and spaghetti were the high points.

I think I’ll go chainsmoke a couple cigars until the memory flashback leaves my tongue.

ARMY, 1961, “C” rations was all I ever got. The canned ham was good as gold for trading. Better than the cigarettes. IIRC

Yes, a sealed glass jar of Pnut butter should be edible for quite some time. One reason why for disaster readiness I suggest a case of that and two large boxes of Matzo- those ones that grocery stores sell at a loss-leader for Passover. (I used to suggest Pilot bread aka hardtack, but now that’s rare and expensive).