Gather together Secret Admirers of Eutychus, but be sure to be discrete - we can’t have Euty finding out about us. Then it wouldn’t be a secret society, and half the fun is the clandestine stuff… but I digress.
It’s time to share reflections, warm-fuzzies, and experiences concerning the object of our admiration. After all, how can we hope to recruit new members if we don’t get the word out [sub](quietly, of course)[/sub] among the masses?
I’ll start. About a year ago, Eutytold us about a friend who was having a rough time. Many board members offered to help, and he served as the conduit for that aid. I was touched by his compassion as well as the spirit of the board. That’s when I became a Secret Admirer of Eutychus. I suppose I could have let him know, but I was still pretty much a newbie and kinda shy.
Who’s next? Share your admiration. But don’t let Euty know - it’s a secret.
Euty makes me snicker. His posts are funny. But I don’t know what the 55 is for. I continue to live in the dark, and yet, I am strangely drawn to the man with the 55. He’s the most, to say the least.
I’ve been a member of SAE for a long time, but no one knows it… it’s secret!
We loves ya, Euty!
E is for… um… ‘Europe’ (without which there would be no European Union, yeah… that’s it!) U is for ‘uterus’, because I like women… and they have uteri(?) [sup]I am NOT obsessed with sex!! How dare you?[/sup] T is for ‘delta-l-tetrahydrocannabinol’… 'nuff said! Y is for ‘yeah!’ as in “Yeah, Euty rocks!!”
Euty is one of the beautiful, caring people that has attracted me here. I hope he can start to see himself the way others here see him…
…I know, let’s get him a big mirror with a “we love Euty” slogan at the bottom. We could finance this through sales of the “Euty man!!” t-shirts.
Count me in too. I’m impressed by someone who’s holding his shit together in the face of real life, as well as all the tripe that gets thrown around here. If I’d been handed some of the stuff he’s had to deal with just on the boards, never mind RL, I’d be curled up under the bedclothes, never to see the light of day again. He’s still here, still being a great part of the boards.
I also like the photos on his page, especially the one of the old time villager.
I like reading Teemings too, and appreciate all the work that goes into it, but don’t say so often enough.
I really liked that thread that KneadToKnow linked to.
I would suggest a standing ovation, but we’re trying to be quiet. So may I suggest instead a quiet but heartfelt round of golf claps in appreciation of a genuinely good bloke?
I read the threads that you guys all linked to, and Eutychus strikes me as probably the nicest, most caring man I have ever seen on this board.
I may be new here, but chalk me up in that fan club. This world needs to have more people with his level of compassion, and I hope that I can exude even the slightest glimmer of the goodness that shines from him.
That Euty was such a good person. I read his post about the problems he’s having and he still has enough left in his soul to be as generous and caring as he is.
He’s definitely OK in my book. Whatever my fellow Dopers want to do as a token of their affection, I’m in on it.
He once quoted something I’d said, and I blushed, sitting right here at my computer. I took it as a very high compliment, indeed.
I’d also like to echo the sentiments about how impressive it is that he keeps his hit together in real life and then can come in here and calmly deal with the cretinous gibberings of lowlifes and returning has-beens. I know I couldn’t.
I’ve always been impressed with the man, and how he holds his life together, (or at least what he mentions to us here)and still finds the time to do what he does here at the SDMB. Plus, he’s a funny, serious, and has a big heart and alot of that comes through in alot of his posts.