I recently shipped a GAU-8 dummy round through USPS. although this fits in the famous enemy-shredding A-10 gun, it’s completely inert: there’s no propellant or primer in the case, and there’s no explosive warhead/fuze in the projectile.
Did I break any USPS regulations/laws by shipping this thing?
No idea at anything close to a GQ level. It takes time and money so I’d be surprised if they do but I have no idea. ISTR the original question coming up as a possible issue when I was a Battalion S4 (Logistics Officer) and found your answer on my second search. That’s as far as my knowledge actually extends.
They need probable cause to open the mail if it’s domestic, so unless there is some obvious sign on the outside of the package that it might contain something suspicious or you are already under investigation, they don’t have it. A plain cardboard box is unlikely to break. So you probably got away with it.
I can’t say what the likely penalty is, not being a criminal defense lawyer, but I would guess that it would be a fine, since it is not in itself an illegal item you were mailing.