Shirley's Christmas Gift Idea Thread

There are some people that are difficult to buy for.

You may be stumped on what to get your girlfriends nephews for a present that won’t break the bank but that you can play with too.

Or there are some really cool things out there that just must be shared in the hopes that someone will buy it for us, the postee. Yeah, we are all secretly 7 year olds in that department.

I would like to start off this thread with:Medieval toys for the nearly grown up or just plain fun for kids.

Toy Catapult

Catapult Watch Go Medieval in the board room.

If you come across anything in particular that is* just cool*, post it here.

I’m so getting this for my husband!

See it’s good for a kid too cuz they can play video games and you can play the games you loved as a child.

The watchis pretty cool. I know a guy who would love it, but we don’t usualy exchange gifts. Maybe I’ll email the link to him though.

I got that last year and it broke in 3 months. They just don’t make cheap video games systems like they used to. It was fun while it lasted, tho.

I asked my mom to get me a mushroom growing kit. You can get them to grow plain-old button mushrooms or fancier stuff like shitaki. They’re around $20. I can’t wait!

If you are stumped for buying books, and Amazon isn’t giving you a discerning review on books, may I humbly suggest:

A Common Reader

Bas Bleu

Chinaberry kids books, games, adult books.

For the gardener in your family: Cape Cod Worm Farm a 1000 worms for $26 (shipping included.)

It is a gift they will always remember!

I’m getting Aaron some used Kipper videos. He doesn’t care if they’re used, and we can buy more than we could if they were new.


I might pick up a couple of these “techno spinning tops"”. They seem likely they might be cool little toys. Oh, and anyone is buying for me, hint, hint, MrsFantsyPants

I would LOVE a worm farm, one of those that you can throw food scraps into.

I looked at goodies today for the first time. The littlepoets will get a LeapPad, I think, and heaven only knows what else. I try to find toys that don’t have a lot of parts to lose or step on, don’t make too much noise, and are moderately educational. (Their father gets to buy them all the noisy, non-educational, envy-of-preschool crap.) I also promised to fix up their room really nifty, if and when I get my settlement.

I think I’ll also make about a ton of playdough for them and the neighborhood kids, in a million colors, and provide a big ol’ set of cookie cutters. They LOVE that stuff.

Gonna make stockings, too, so I can spend a fortune filling those puppies up!

I can’t wait to start decorating. My ex threw out my Christmas tree and all the decorations, so we’re starting over, and I’m considering, heaven help me, a white tree. I figure we won’t have too many years left to get away with a really child-like, bright, colorful tree, so we might want to do it now. But man, they’re hideous to me. :smiley:

What do I get for my mother? She doesn’t like scented stuff, nor anything impractical.


that is funny and practical.

I wants one.

For the past couple of years, I have given my friends wives gift certs. to Victoria Secret. A gift for both members. Guys are so much easyer to buy for. My friends get tools.

For all those stocking stuffers designed to appall and delight

I want all that crap :slight_smile:

Okay, I confess: I’ve seen toys aimed at young kids that I’ve wanted to get for myself. This year, it’s the cotton candy maker. Make your own cotton candy! Of course, it will probably work as well as that kid’s pottery wheel I got about 10 years ago … :stuck_out_tongue: I never could get that thing to work.

We are considering the Pac Man game that you play on your TV, but thanks for the tip on it breaking within 3 months, pipperroo.

Last year I got the best present ever.

I got and “Introduction to Flight Lesson”. (google for one)

I got to go out to a local flight school and go up in a small plane with an instructor and I got to work the controlls for most of the flight. (ok I didn’t do the rudder pedals) I took a 20 minute flight around NJ and it was a blast.

This is what I want this year.

I would like one of These Picture shown here.

Barring that, Halo2 for xbox.

Thank you.


These are good. I have a small inhabited planet. They’re so cool.

Before even clicking the link, your post made me think “Oooh, I gotta get some Josh Simpson this year!”

His stuff makes great gifts for the geeky/intellectual friends and family, but I really, really want one for myself this time! Beautiful stuff.