OK guys…I don’t know if you know this, but there are girls out there…I know a few of them, who will make out with and fondle other girls simply for your benefit. They know that “girls kissing girls is hot”, and so they do it for you. There are also girls out there who say they are bi or lesbian for shock value, and the ladies in the house will know what I’m talking about.
But what I realized this morning, as I fantasized about two famous men I know kissing, is that there aren’t any “shock value gay guys”.
I don’t know any guys who will kiss other guys for my benefit, or will kiss other guys in public for the shock value, or will say they’re bi just for the ‘hip-ness’ of it.
And I was wondering, is Shock Value Homosexuality simply a female phenomenon? And if it is, why is it?
Well my response got eaten. Freak’n stupid cpu. Anywho it was basically I think men know who “shock value lesbians” are. We don’t care, we like them anyway.
Shock value gay people are harder to come by because of societal pressures. There are plenty of shock value men out there; witness the occasional “hey I can suck my own penis, wanna watch” that is overheard with absolute disgust at parties.
Is that really true Zebra? Because my own pet theory is that even if they knew chicks were into watching guys get it on, straight men would still be a little squeamish about doing it.
I think, and again, this is just my opinion, that women in general are more comfortable touching and cuddling and indeed kissing their own sex because we’re raised to be the emotional sort of touchy feely people. Girls hug girls all the time from childhood, and at some point, most guys start to feel “icky” about it.
I think girl on girl is hot AND guy on guy is hot. Sex is hot, period.
Dude, you are soooo inviting me to your next party. Right?
As to the OP, jarbaby–I think you nailed it with your last post. Females use touch to connect with the people in their lives much more than men do (generalizing, of course). So when you’re used to regularly touching, holding, hugging, grooming, or petting on a person–what’s a little tongue action thrown in to shock the menfolk gonna matter?
Athens GA, circa early 1980’s – trendyville, everyone looking at every garage band as the next B-52s or REM, and yes it was an “in thing” for males to be of ambiguous sexuality. Straight guys were definitely doing double-entendres about wanting to be done by guys or finding this or that guy cute. Most of it was verbal and/or body-language stuff, gestures, etc., as opposed to public kissing and groping.
And boudin, which I’ve always wanted to try but since I don’t know where to get it I guess I’ll just have to move to the South.
jarbaby I want to know who those two famous men are.
Do you think there’s a perception that a woman who has no problem kissing another woman in that context (the “for your benefit” thing is “a free spirit,” whereas a man that kisses another man in the same context is “maybe a little gay”?
In the late 70’s/early 80’s a bi male was a hip thing to be in the Hollywood Club scene. Think Roxy Music. Being an androgynous male pretenting to be into guys would certainly help one to get laid by a woman in that subculture.
There are two out-front lesbians in my workplace, and I get along fine with them. Why not? They lick women, I lick women. Not to mention, that silly macho back room of my brain isn’t nudging me to flirt with them. I’m sure their are more lesbians in the plant that I’m not aware of, but they don’t make an issue of it.
This is Indiana, though, and public kissing and fondling by anybody is a bit surprising here. I don’t think I’d be more shocked by seeing a lesbian couple liplocked in a bar than I would a hetero couple. I’d think “this pair is going directly (I almost said straight) to bed after they leave here.”
In the early part of David Bowie’s career, he declared his bisexuality in the press. He later said it was the best career move he ever made.
And why do guys start to feel icky about it. Little boys hug and walk arm and arm and hold hands. Big boys in sports like to pat each onther on the butt.
I think boys stop doing that at puberty for a variety of reasons.
ONE of those reasons is the snickering of girls. If the girls aren’t cool with something we don’t do it.
Of course it this was OK by everyone picking a wingman would get a lot trickier.
I like to imagine that the Powerful Gay Lobby got together sometime towards the end of the glam era and decided to put an end to all “shock value” male homoeroticism. That sort of thing does real homosexuals/bisexuals no good at all, and gay men are lucky if they don’t have to put up with the same sort of “If I give you $5, will you kiss that chick?” or “Can I watch you and your girlfriend do it?” nonsense that lesbians do.
If jarbabyj will provide the other guy and sufficient postage to get to her place I would be more than happy to make out with him for her benefit. And if she can’t find another guy, I have one in mind and his rates are quite reasonable.
I’m 41, and I know that any little boys who went around hugging or holding hands would have gotten beaten up or ridiculed (actually, BOTH) in my old neighborhood. Long before we even knew what a sissy was, we’d have scoffed at such sissy behavior.
LONG before puberty, the boys I knew no longer hugged anyone except their Moms (but only when they were sure nobody else was watching), and no longer wanted to hold hands with ANYONE.
Men don’t hug or kiss for shock value because everyone knows that it turns you gay.
I think its an indoctrination thing. Two very close (het) girlfriends will get under the same warm blanket on the couch if they are watching a movie, or will dance together when there are no guys dancing with them.
I have heard in more than one place “The only reason two men should touch is in anger.” :rolleyes:
I don’t really know when this starts.
And jarbaby most of the straight guys I know would be WAY squeamish about kissing/groping another man, even if they knew it was turning some babes on. Some would probably do it anyway, but will still be thinking “ewwww.”