Shodan, HurricaneDitka, and George Zimmerman: Three Racist Peas in a Racist Pod

I hadn’t even seen your posts in this thread, so don’t take my post personally if it doesn’t apply to you. But since you ask, (2) is incorrect, (4) is uncertain, and the details of (5)–which is really the decisive category–are largely unknown.

I assume you’re basing this claim on a pedantic interpretation of English grammar. (“We don’t need you to follow him.”)

Do I guess correctly that you also argue that Trump didn’t call the Duchess of Sussex “nasty”?

Shodan picks up a warning for trolling (racist trolling, by my reading):

Trolling maybe. I don’t think it’s racist to link to a school’s website and post the education numbers found there.

I don’t either, but I think it is racist to imply a connection between “black culture” and low test scores, as I think the post in question did.

This one is less ambiguous.

The accusation of “trolling” pisses me off. “Trolling” implies he doesn’t really mean it. It’s just fucking racist hate speech. “Libtards won’t admit the obvious, black kids are just inherently violent and stupid, and schools need to use harsher restraints on them to keep the school safe for the good type of children”. It’s a fig-leaf to blame “culture”.

That whole thread pissed me off so bad. This is literally a racist’s favorite story. Angelic WASP teachers, tied to a rock and sacrificed to tribal Africans. The recreational outrage is overwhelming.

Lol, pussy-assed bitch whines about it in ATMB.

No snowflake like a racist snowflake.

TPTB of the SDMB have decided that whether he means it or not is irrelevant as far as trolling is concerned.

From the ATMB thread:

Jonathan must also still believe in the Easter Bunny, the Soul Cake Duck and the Hannukah Gerbil…

I believe in urinal cakes & gerbilling. Does that count?

I hate myself for asking, was that a Richard Gere reference?

Ha Ha! Suspended! Only 1 week, but still…Ha! Ha!

Are we going to have bets or pick dates until he’s banned?

There’s no point for Shodan to be on these boards unless he’s trolling.

I think he’ll be quiet for a bit but there’s no way he can NOT troll.

Four months?

He really should have listened to this guy on how not to fall afoul of the moderators.

What - me gloat? Perish the thought. I’m merely noting the irony.

That’s funny! What a maroon!

I’m not reading back through this whole thread to see if I posted in it before, but I had to shake my head at the first page where they act like Martin calling himself a “no limit n***a” is significant. I went to high school in the early '90s and I’d say a third of the guys in my (all white) class were calling themselves things like that.

Several times, over the years, in various discussions about race, racism, and intelligence, I had asked Shodan directly whether he thought black people were inherently inferior, on average, in intelligence. He always refused to answer, and I suspected this was because he thought the answer was “yes” but was afraid to say so.

Looking back at some old threads, I found one in which he does appear to answer the question as yes, quite clearly, in fact, though perhaps without realizing it (and indeed I may not have realized it at the time either!):

So, at least in 2013, Shodan appears to have believed that those spreading the “Blacks are dumber” gospel were making “true statements”. Based on more recent discussions we’ve had, I don’t recall any posts that would suggest he’s changed his views, but hopefully I’m incorrect on this. If you no longer believe that “blacks are dumber”, Shodan, I hope you’ll let us know!

It was kind of a relief to stumble across this… I was worried that my impression of Shodan might have been entirely false! But of course I would be even more pleased to learn that he’s moved past this sort of racism and now recognizes that it’s wrong. And if you haven’t yet, Shodan, it’s never too late to grow out of racist beliefs!

An egg is obviously an egg.

But why, oh why, are you so concerned about “proving” that he’s an egg that you are digging through 7 year old posts. Personally, I don’t care what you, he, or I (or anyone else) said 7 days ago, let alone what they said 7 years ago. Do you believe that this will change general opinion now that you’ve found the egg’s “gotcha” moment? Or are you cataloging this for when he runs for public office, the only place this might actually be relevant.