Shodan, please lay out your case here.

Wow. Are you intentionally going for a world record in irony, or are you just hoping that no-one will notice that neither your paraphraseology of what LHoD paraphrased, nor your paraphraseology of his paraphraseology, are remotely fucking accurate? How in the hell can you come back after that shit and accuse him of being a liar? Are you saying his correction of your bullshit post is a lie? Because I can tell you right now I’ve read the original posts, and you’re absolutely full of shit. To remind you, since you apparently seem to think that your wilful paraphraseology (and not even noted as such, unlike LHoD’s) is okay:

I invite any disinterested observer to comment on whose paraphrasing is the least honest, taking into particular consideration the fact that Shodan’s was presented as being a direct quote, and that LHoD explicitly acknowledged the fact that his interpretation was his own. If you want my view, it is that LHoD’s interpretation is debatable yet understandable, given the co-option of the terms “faith” and “family” by the Christian right in the US, while Shodan’s is just outright full of shit, leaving out as it does key words in the former “quote”, and inserting as it does implications not made in the latter.

Hell, Shodan, I really did used to respect you. But this is just mindless on your part. Truly pathetic.