Shop class no no’s Shorts, long hair and giant prosthetic boobs?

The pictures and video are authentic and the teacher does in fact teach at Oakville Trafalgar High School.

Quick question - why are we just taking the word of an utter fucking transphobe who has had no problem with misgendering in the past?

And cite, in case people have forgotten.

Okay the thread is dead, Godwin’s Law just appeared.

Mike Godwin said to tell you to fuck off:

So, you are claiming personal knowledge that:

  • A trans woman of that name teaches shop in the school
  • Someone took a video of her wearing cartoonish breasts
  • Her clothes as worn that day allow the outlines of enormous tits to show
  • But you have absolutely no clue what the context is, it what’s actually going on.

Is that your claim?

I don’t think RickJay would make this up regardless, but if he is, I would be pretty pissed off.


Given the weirdness of the story, if you have speculation from someone who knows her, obviously that’s better than speculation from all these folks who don’t know her. Trust us to take what they told you with the appropriate grains of salt.

So your “first hand” knowledge is some friend who kind-of knows the teacher, but not well enough to know what’s really going on, and is just guessing. Does this friend share your distaste for trans women?

Generally, when people use the term “first hand”, they mean they have direct information from the person in question. You have second-hand knowledge at best, and I have my doubts about your friend’s proximity to the situation.

From Godwins mouth to Your Rear,
After You.

No, I am stating I have spoken to trustworthy individuals who have personal knowledge that the story as reported is true and the pictures and video are of a teacher at Oakville Trafalgar High School who dresses in this manner and identifies as a trans woman. (But yes, I don’t know the “context,” I suppose, beyond what’s been reported in the news.) Sorry, but I’ve written the same thing many times. Out of curiosity, do you believe the story is fake or something?

Do your friends know anything about whether there are many girls who take shop class from this teacher, and what they might think of the situation?

Because I can imagine that teenage girls probably find being taught by a teacher with porn-sized fake breasts a lot more confronting than teenage boys would

I didn’t ask. Lots of rumours are swirling around, but I don’t believe rumours.

“The story is true” and “the pictures are accurate” don’t say anything, because there are multiple stories and multiple pictures. We know that at least some of the stories are false, because the school board posted an official refutation of them. Which stories are true?

This is sounding like one of David Blaine’s “magic tricks”, where he does some silly little illusion in front of real “people on the street”, then does a completely different one in a studio with wires and cranes, and then uses the corroboration from the people on the street to “prove” the one with the crane.

@RickJay , you have the patience of Job in this thread.

Everyone else: why are you hanging your hat on this being a fake story?

Assume it’s real. If, assuming that it’s real, you’ll think “no big whoop, I don’t care what a teacher dresses like at school so she can dress as she likes” (which I think most people in this thread would say), that means that you will not care about this story whether it’s true or not. So why bother finding out if it’s true; your opinion of what this teacher can wear won’t change.

Also, I’m sure right wing bigots do stress the trans angle of this, but the way I see it is: no matter if the person is trans or cis, and no matter whether they are male of female or non-binary, and no matter what class they are teaching, that attire is wholly inappropriate for school. If it is inappropriate, then it doesn’t matter what the teacher identifies at. The inappropriateness doesn’t go away just because of how someone identifies

Nope. Try again.

The null hypothesis is that the story (as reported) is not real. So far, the null hypothesis has not been rejected.

You’re correct that it doesn’t matter if the person is cis or trans - the attire is either appropriate or inappropriate regardless of identification (and in my opinion, it’s inappropriate. But the thing is , I find it difficult to believe that any woman would want to wear two of those giant prosthetic breasts* - it seems they would be uncomfortable, even painful. They aren’t going to look good on anyone , with or without the nipples. And therefore I can’t help but think there’s more to the story and she’s wearing these giant boobs for some reason other than she thinks they are a good look. I’m not sure what that reason would be - the only one I could think of is that she was told that some more pedestrian outfit was inappropriate and is now taking the position of " I’ll show you inappropriate". I also realize that most likely no one will ever know what’s in her mind.

* I could see a woman wearing one that size if she had a single mastectomy and that was the size needed to match - but that’s it.

No, I don’t think it’s fake, but I don’t understand why you just say “the story as reported is true” and don’t actually state WHAT you know. That’s what I was trying to get at. I wrote out the key points of what I think “the story as told” is, in the first three bullet points, and added a fourth bullet point that I thought summarized your qualifications about not having been able to inquire about the context.

If those points aren’t “the story as told” that you are confirming, could you tell me what I have wrong, and what “the story as told” IS, in your opinion?

Quite a few people get extremely large breast implants. Some are the size of beach balls. The size of breasts in the OP don’t seem totally out of line with some of the giant implants.