Shopping help: looking for a rectangular, lighted, clear glass snow "globe"

I saw this at someone’s house this past weekend. It was used as a table decoration.

It’s about the size and shape of a 1-lb bag of flour (maybe a little smaller), clear glass, lighted (probably battery-operated), with glitter circulating inside like snow. I think there was a little forest scene, maybe a reindeer or something, all in white. The glass was quite thick, very heavy. Reminiscent of a glass brick or glass block, but clear.

Whenever I try googling “snow globe,” the word “globe” inevitably returns the typical round snow globe. Googling “glass block” or “glass brick” yields slightly more results but I’m not seeing what I’m looking for.

Any ideas?

Like this? I did a search on rectangular glitter globe.

“cube snow globe” in google turned up some hits, including:

Some vintage ones

And even a link to make one on your own

And a metric ton of lit ‘snow lanterns’. But none of them seem an exact match to what you describe. May be a home project of the past.

“cube snowglobe” one word, got this and a few others that were at least close

“Lit snow glass block” got a few more hits, but again, nothing that was perfect match.

@Si_Amigo That one is very cute! Thanks for looking. I will keep it in mind if I strike out on my current search.

Hey @ParallelLines , how in the heck are you? My T-Mobile gateway is still working, although it does crash a couple of times a week and I have to restart it. It always comes back on fine. I think AT&T used to do that, too… This techie stuff is great when it works.

The Seattle option that you linked to is the closest to what I saw. It was just a plain block with no base, brackets, or anything encasing it. “Cube” is a good word to add to the search string. :+1:t4:

As we all strive to improve our google-fu, key words are the combo moves that ensure the win!

And glad the gateway is working. I’m surprised it crashes that much honestly, probably quite a few bugs remaining in either (or both) the hardware and software. Thanks for testing it out for all of us still laboring under the incompetent dominance of the cable internet semi-deities such as Comcast.

Ok, I got a couple of pictures. It’s not exactly rectangular, but not round either. It looks like an inverted one-quart mason jar. The people bought it last year (or the year before) at our terrific local grocery chain H-E-B. I will investigate to see if they have them this year.

Searching google for *mason jar lighted snow globe" did not turn up any exactly like this. I like the fact that the insides are all white, it’s a forest scene, the snow is glitter, it’s lighted, and everything is in constant slow motion. Note the white cardinal (or maybe a jay…). It’s really beautiful.

Your first shot looks mason jar-like with the ridges on the top.

Did you notice that the website first linked called them “Water Lanterns” at the top of the page? Perhaps an additional search term.

Mason Jar Snow globe gives us quite a few options, including another DIY:

and this one even includes the LED lights!

Alas, I’m not a DIY-er. I have documentation from the local fire department confirming this. Well, not so much documentation as sort of an injunction.

J/k. Kind of.