Everytime I finish playing my mp3’s, I’m prompted to “upgrade” to the aforementioned “-plus”. Does anyone know if this is a good idea in terms of liking privacy and free things?
It does that every time an MP3 finishes playing? Why would you put up with that? Granted, the program does a lot of things, but, IME, when a program spreads itself thin like that, it ends up doing 20 things halfassed instead of one thing right.
Plus, you can get freeware tools that accomplish everything that program does.
If, however, you’re stuck on MusicMatch, this lists the differences between the regular and plus versions.
It came with this new computer (already installed), and there is and option to not show the box again. I just haven’t decided yet.
Well, if you’re just looking for something that plays MP3s and nothing else, Winamp is a perennial favorite, and it’s free. You can add custom skins to change its appearance and install free plugins that add other functionality to it. Try to stick with version 2.81, though. By most accounts (including mine) version 3 is a nightmare.
I’ll try that. Thanks!
I find the major benefit of MMPlus is for burning CD’s. I don’t notice much difference in ease of playing MP3s with plus as opposed to Basic (I have Plus on my desktop, and basic on the laptop and lab computers). If you don’t burn many discs, it’s not really worth it, IMO.
So it’s a clean program then? No Kazaa tricks, so to speak?
I love MusicMatch Plus. But then I burn alot of cds. It’s also good for creating audio cds from your mp3 collection and vice-versa, as well as organizing your music library. I have yet to find any problems with this program and I use it on a daily basis.
If I were just playing mp3s I’d probably stick with WinAmp, though, since it’s free.
MusicMatch is everything and more. I can’t tell you how happy I am with it.
I used Winamp for years, then ditched it for MusicMatch.
That’s not the question that was asked though – I upgraded to the Plus version, but haven’t noticed a difference. I would say it’s not worth upgrading.
I found the Plus version to both rip and burn quicker. It’s a big plus in my book.
IMHO, Musicmatch is crap. It produces arguable the worst quality MP3s of any tool available. ALL of its functions can be done much better using free software. I suppose if you’re only using it as a PLAYER that’s ok, but you’re still not getting the quality you should be.
For playing audio, use Winamp v2.81.
For ripping CDs and encoding MP3s, use CDex.
For burning CDs, use Nero.
All fo the above tools are free, with the exception of Nero which has a free trial version, and will offer FAR better quality than Musicmatch.
I greatly appreciate the input.
This site has a couple of freeware CD burning apps, but I have yet to try them.
Like FDISK, I’d recommend a registered Nero. For anyone who has an older, slower CD-R/RW, I’d recommend buying a new one, rather than paying $40 for Nero. You can get a speedy new burner on Pricewatch.com for $50 that comes bundled with Nero. That’s how I got Nero. Best burning program out there, IMHO. It’s versatile enough for experts, yet also has a friendly “Wizard” interface for inexperienced users.