Should I keep watching Heroes?

The last episode I watched was “Trust and Blood” (February 9). Everything from that point on has been gathering virtual dust on my DVR, mainly because there’s always something else I feel like watching more.

I’ve lost the enthusiasm I used to have for the show. I don’t care about what happens to the characters any more. I’ve pretty much given up on trying to remember all the various plot threads and time lines, and I think I’m ready to throw in the towel altogether.

Should I? Or is there a payoff waiting for me if I stick it out?

Well, I still like it well enough to devote an hour a week to it, but if you’re not entertained by it anymore, why would you want to stick it out? It’s just a TV show, you’re not likely to be left with any great life regrets if you don’t follow it through to its conclusion.

The Fugitives volume is-thus far- as good as the first season was at this point. One difference is that the shininess of having abilities has worn off for the characters and the audience, so some of the sense of wonder is, necessarily, gone. But it’s TV, not an algebra exam. It’s not compulsory.

Or you could just skip up and watch Cold Wars and whatever last week was on last week; I don’t think you’ll lose too much plot that way.