Should this bit be relevant to the content of posts?

OK imagine this, YOU are on a train that is travelling at the speed of light, or actually no, imagine it was Linford Christie (famous british 100m sprinter) who is standing at the back of a train that is zooming along the track at the speed of light.
Now, if Linford was to run as fast as he can from one end of the train to the other the question is this -
Do you think he would get thrown off at the next stop for blocking the aisles and thus creating a fire hazard?

Now that your eager young minds are warmed up try this other tantalising quandry that has hounded mans imagination since way back when Cheers was in only like its 1st series.

If a tree falls in the woods and no one is their to hear it, would the forestry commission cut it up and take it away?
Or would they take it away and THEN cut it up?

Know the answer to these questions young scholars and you will know the answer to…er…these questions.

This isn’t a general question, as none of these questions have fatual answers. Therefore, this does not belong in GQ. It belongs in MPSIMS. A deranged, psychotic, hamster-loving mod will be along shortly to move it there.

By the way, welcome to the SDMB. :slight_smile:

Welcome to SDMB. Your rhetorical questions are amusing but the mods may wish to move them to another forum. Please read the posting rules and post again.

186,000 miles per second isn’t just the law.
It’s also a good idea, Olympian or not.

If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it,
the Forestry Comission can cut up all they like but the tree is still going to be there all the same.

Hmm, so if he’s English he’s British, but if he was Scottish:wink: . Yes, welcome aboard, but this thread is going to be closed or moved before you can say Allan Wells is on the blocks.