I’ve just recently began attempting the blog thing again. I usually fail fairly quickly, but this go 'round I feel like I might be able to keep it up. So, in the interest of making it readable to those who dare read it, I’d love to see anyone else’s that already been doing at it. That way I’ll learn properly and won’t send folks into fits of boredom, repulsion or fits of laughter at how weak it is.
Therefore, can you show me yours? And then offer any tips or critiques necessary. Finally, I must admit that there’ll be no possibility of me keeping my entries short. Like my posts here, it seems larger than I am and beyond my control. Hey, maybe it’s simply the OCD in full swing.
Thanks in advance and I’m looking forward to vicariously living through y’all’s journals/diaries thingamagiggies.
Happy to! Don’t expect anything awesome, though.
What the Beans?!
Always happy to pimp my mundane ramblings: Bird by Bird.
Sure! It’s just a MySpace blog, and the recent entries are mostly about weight loss, but I try to keep them short and interesting.
There’s not an awful lot on mine yet, I’ve created it to keep my new zealand friends up to date when my husband and I move to the UK in a fortnights time.
Full On Idle
Nothing profound or earth-shattering Here, either, but am happy to share.
I’ve mostly been blogging about bear hunting lately.
Eh, what the hell. Deeply pointless and only updated at very infrequent intervals, but here you go.
Sure, if you don’t mind pointlessness, whining and rants about eye exams.
Okay, I’ll bite. Get your daily puns, your occasional news commentary, and your random cynical musings about life, the universe and everything over at Spatial Rift #47.
Mine is the epitome of mundane and pointless.
Ruh Roh, I just outed myself…
Mine is just a MySpace page. Fairly new, and I don’t have the blog up yet, but I’m working on it.
Susie Derkins, I’ve asked to friend you. It comes up as Betsey or Betsey23. I’m still too new to figure it out.
Light, fluffy and nothing remotely important.
Here’s my myspace blog. It’s stupid. It’s been vaguely political lately, in case you haven’t had enough of that yet.
I thought you might actually be my friend Ed. His blog is -
The Most Boring Thing I Did Today
My blog- Sometimes I Fall Down
My blog. Mundane and pointless stuff about dogs, knitting and other silly stuff.