I am loud mouth. Hell, I’ll fully admit that I’m one of those people who will call others out on their utter stupidity in public. Why? I don’t know, maybe I consider myself a defender of the sane, intelligent, and righteous. Or maybe I just think idiots need to be called on their shit. An example of this is when I was Washington DC at the Korean War Memorial. Two children ran up, screaming, leaning over the railing, banging on the damned statues, screaming about how OMGGUNSARESOCOOL!!!, and being general terrors. It really ought to be noted that the monument was surrounded my vets- some of whom were in uniform, some of whom were in tears. I looked at my friend and said, “Wow, someone needs to beat those kids.” And then I turned around.
Apparently their mother overheard my lament, because boy oh boy was she glaring at me. I just smiled at her and said, “You know, you really ought to teach those children of yours to respect what this monument stands for. The men and women that are in the military fight for you. It is because of their sacrifice that *you * can have the freedom to be such a shitty parent. Teach your brats to respect that fact, k?” Mom looked shocked, grabbed her brats, shooshed them, and scurried off to explain what the monument was about- QUIETLY. It was wonderful. Oh, I got a few handshakes from veterans.
But see, that’s different to me. This woman was allowing her twat waffleitos to be little assholes in public, thus disturbing the solomn air of such an important place. If she was quietly minding her business, explaining things to her kids, and if they were being typical little excited kids that were loudly asking questions, I wouldn’t have said a word to her. That’s the key here.
So on to the real pitting:
I drive one of these . Beautiful, isn’t he? So, yes, I have a big, giant, road hogging SUV. I’m sorry, but I love it and it is quite practical. That said, my big, giant, road hogging SUV is also one of these. My car not only has great emission levels (Super Low Emissions Vehicle, woo!), but it also gets pretty damn good gas mileage for any big car, let alone an SUV.
So why oh why do dumb ass fucking hippies find it necessary to constantly lecture me on how bad it is to drive an SUV? Sometimes things aren’t what they appear, douchenozzle.
I can’t tell you how many times a week I encounter the following convos with random hippies in big ol’ tank cars:
Hippy: Hey, you know SUVs are bad for the environment, don’t you?
Me (looking at her 1980s tank): Call me crazy, but I think my SUV is a whole lot better for the planet than your car.
Hippy: No way, man. SUVs are evil! And they use lots of gas and pollute the air.
Me: Well, my car is a hybrid and what’s called a SUPER LOW EMISSIONS VEHICLE. Does yours fall under that catagory?
Hippy: Oh, I dunno. Probably. I mean, it’s just SUVs are bad, man. Real bad, man.
Me: So are 20 year old land boats.
Mother fucking hippies, mind your own goddamned business!
Anyway, feel free to share your “mind your own fucking business!” stories. Or your anti-hippy stories, that would brighten my day.