Siamese Yoga.

I have been doing my fair best to stay healthy…loosing weight, trying to do yoga, and I’ve had some great results.

It would appear my siamese attack cat thinks she needs some yoga as well.
This is Sideways Facing Cat and this I think is Must appear to look like a mountain….

Clearly she is malnourished…I know, but she breaks into the cabinets when we are not home and eats all the treats!

Anyone elses cat do yoga?

Mine actively try to sabotage me when I do yoga at home. Ever try to hold a plank pose with a fluffy tail swishing your nose? How about moving through sun salutations when the cat insists on lying down on the mat partway through? Yeah… kind of challenging.

I blame them for the 10 lbs I’ve put on recently. I mean, who else could possibly be responsible? :slight_smile:

Yes, my Barbara cat loves to join the WiiFit workout, and will walk in cuddly circles around and under anyone doing downward dog.
I also found Steve Bird ( a parrot) likes yoga. He prefers to perch on the highest extended limb and very slowly walk to the next rising limb as you change positions. Steve also enjoys standing on top of uplifted feet during hamstring stretches.

Yes, our boy jumps on my back during downward dog. The other day he raked his claws down my side when he couldn’t get a grip…that hurt.

My cats like to do yoga.

Zoe is most fond of seated twists, but occasionally comes up with other creative poses of her own.

Zeke will do a seated twist too, but prefers a reclining twist to show off those (floofy) abs or the occasional staff pose .

When not doing yoga, Zeke practices kick boxing (here, using the hamper for target practice) as well.

My kitties love to “help” me do yoga. Pixel likes to flop down on the mat when I’m in the middle of a sun salutation, either forcing me to jump over him or nudge him out of the way. He encourages me to challenge myself.

Hazel, always concerned about my alignment, will jump onto my side in triangle.