Sierra and their RTS games.

I liked Caesar and I really liked Pharaoh, but I’m looking for more titles like these. I want to avoid the ‘Age of…’ and Civ titles if possible but other than that I’m open to suggestions.

I’m asking this as I have been playing Empire Earth II but I really didn’t like it. :frowning:

Are you looking for stictly Sierra RTS games, or any?

If any, then the Command and Conquer series is great, IMO. The best one is either C&C: Red Alert, or Red Alert 2. You can probably find a huge package that will give you C&C, Red Alert, Red Alert 2, and Tiberian Sun (the sequel to C&C, not that great.)

I’m looking for any, I was just trying to give an idea of what sort of games I was looking for, sorry. :slight_smile:

And I agree, the C&C games are great, I have the ones you mentioned plus C&C Generals somewhere. :slight_smile:

And a little hijack, what was the mini sequel/add on to Red Alert, I seem to recall it was the same game with a few new units. Of course, it may have been a dream.

Try Homeworld. It’s pretty good once you get past the learning curve.

Look no further than the other Impressions City Builders games. Have you played “Zeus” yet? And they also have one of ancient China…“Emperor” I think.

Jayjay, those are perfect! I’m also going to give Homeworld a shot too HPL.

Thank you.

Nope, not a dream. Here is, as best I can, a complete listing of all C&C games and expansions:

Command and Conquer
Command and Conquer: Covert Operations (expansion to first C&C)
Command and Conquer: Red Alert
Command and Conquer: Red Alert: The Aftermth (expansion to Red Alert)
Command and Conquer: Red Alert: Retaliation (a SECOND expansion to Red Alert)
Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun (sequel to C&C)
Command and Conquer: TiberianSun: Firestorm (expansion)
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2: Yuri’s Revenge (expansion)
Command and Conquer: Renegade (not to be mentioned again).
Command and Conquer: Generals
Command and Conquer: generals: Zero Hour (expansion)

If the hook is ancient history I must give a big shout out for Rome: Total War.

There’s another game from the same people who originally created Caesar and Pharoah, as well. Check out Children of the Nile. Absolutely stunning graphics.

I worked on this game. If you’re into City Builders like Pharaoh, Ceasar, etc., but AREN’T a control freak, numbers cruncher, you will love it. It is full of unique game design elements that turn a lot of the previous city builder notions on their heads. Most of them work, in my opinion. Some of them don’t.

And yes, the art team kicked all sorts of ass.

I played it pretty much non-stop, 12-16 hours per day for 4 months and didn’t get tired of it.

Have you tried the Warcraft games?

Although the 1.2 patch seems to randomly crap out on me. :mad:

Since I really like the RA games, I’ll take this one.

Red Alert, as you know, is an alternate universe where Hitler was killed and thus WW2 was fought againest the Soviet Unions led By Uncle Joe Stalin. Long story short: The Allies win, Stalin dies, USSR becomes an allied puppet state.

Red Alert 2: It’s 30-40 years later and the Soviets are pissed. Usiny Physic tech made by a guy name Yuri, they invade the US. Eventually, the Allies rally and win once again. The Soviet Premier is captured but nothing more is said of Yuri.

Red Alert: Yuri’s revenge. The war has been over for a couple months, but noone knows where Yuri got off to. The Soviet Premier is in prison and the Soviet Union is again occupied. Suddenly, Yuri pops up and says “I’ve been building mind control devices all over the globe and now it’s too late to stop me. MuhAHAHA!” He’s almost right. One was build on Alcatraz island in San Francisco, and an emergency air strike is launched to take it out. The air strike fails, but one of the downed planes manages to damage the power supply for the mind control device, keeping it from powering up. San Fransisco becomes the one place on earth not under control of Yuri.

Since it’s far too late to stop Yuri, It turns out that we have to stop him…YESTERDAY! Apparently Einstein has built a time machine in SF and told noone until right now. So you basically have to use the time machine to go back in time and stop Yuri from winning. In fact, you end up going back to the middle of RA2, while the 2nd Soviet War was still going on.

Of course, the Soviets are pissed at Yuri as well, and want to steal the time machine(and maybe win the war while they’re at it).

So the add-on has a new storyline, a new side(You can’t play as Yuri, unfortunatly) and 14 new missions which are somewhat connected by a stoyline. Also some rather nice new units(like the battle fortress and the attack soviet flying artillery)

I like having nerdy friends to talk about stuff like this with. :slight_smile:

My Galactus thread sparked over 50 views without a reply too so that means there are 50 plus Comic nerds interested in my dream, just not enough to reply. :smiley:

I always thought that the C&C games, as well as Emperor: the Battle for Dune, all by Seirra had the most retarded AI ever in an RTS. You could build and build, but your troops always had a particular fondness for getting themselves needlessly killed. Every game always ended up as holing up in your little base by fortifying the choke points, then making a crack team of a handful of guys who you could micromanage to go and destroy the entire enemy by themselves. None of these games really lent themselves to having big sweeping battles. At least in the blizzard games you don’t have to babysit them as much.

The only RTS I play is Star Trek Armada. I believe it is from Sierra. They also have a sequel, Star Trek Armada II, which I heard was good but haven’t gotten around to picking it up yet.

There was a really good RTS on the Playstation, that I think was called Warzone 2100, I was enjoying it more than the C&C series until I got to one mission that seemes stupidly hard. I tried and tried but never beat it. :frowning:

I may see if I can purchase a copy, and find my Tropico too. :slight_smile: