Sig Test in E Flat Minor

Does it work?

Only if I include my |)@//|| sig…

time stamp test

The time on the server is GMT, not GMT+1.

However, one can alter this in the User Options.

Testing too.

Yup, that worked.

… and the living is easy
The fish are jumping, the cotton is high

Yes, it’s summer time again in Europe. Unfortunately SDMB follows different rules (what with it being American), so I’ll have to change my time setting.

No sweat, Americans will change their clocks next week (well, most Americans, anyway, there are a few exceptions) so basically, you got one week for confusion and then it all settles back to the normal chaos.

We changed our clocks the other way over the weekend. I don’t change the Board clock at all. I bet no-one’s noticed any change in my confusion.