OK. Here’s the deal. I’m the sole breadwinner right now. Which is fine. I wish I could be home with my 2-year-old, but I am the one with the earning power and he is finishing undergrad. However, for various reasons he did not get into a 4-year university yet and we hope and think he will be accepted for January 2011. So for right now he is not going to school. He is also not working, as his contract job ended and we decided there was little point in getting a part-time job that he would probably just have to quit depending on his schedule. Well. We decided not to pull our son out of daycare because my husband did not want to and because we, and our son, like that daycare (husband and wife in a house near our house) and don’t want to lose our spot. (If I had been home, no way would I have left Tesseract Jr. in daycare, losing our spot be damned.)
So…aside from domestic chores, my husband gets to do nothing for hours every day, as far as I can tell. I work a lot right now, and I am in the process of fixing that issue. I currently work between 50 and 60 hours a week, and sometimes more.
We rent and are responsible for no yardwork. My husband does all the laundry but sometimes I help fold and/or put away. Any cooking that gets done, he does. Otherwise we get take-out, eat out, or eat sandwiches or whatever. He cooks maybe 2 or 3 times a week. He is, generally speaking, a great dad – plays with our son, laughs with him, feeds him and stuff. But my husband is a bit of an internet addict and spends hours daily watching local and international news on the internet as well as watching movies. The house is often a disaster when I get home. Not just a messy disaster, but there are serious issues with organization – boxes, papers, etc. Dirty dishes. If I were home, I would tackle one room per week and in a month or so the house would be organized and sparkling and there would be a place for everything. Remember: no kid at home during day. He cleans and vacuums and organizes occasionally. I clean very little. Our niece is staying with us (another story) and she cleans the kitchen, sort of.
But in my very limited free time, I want to be with our son. I don’t want to be cleaning when both of them are home all day and could be doing it. I feel like the least he could do is keep the house looking nice and clean. What do you guys think? He does handy things around the house, gets the cars fixed if necessary (meaning takes them to the mechanic unless it’s something fairly basic), and he drops off our son at daycare around 9 or 10 am and picks him up at 5 pm. If I work late, then he watches our son until I get home (sometimes 7; usually 8; can be as late as midnight).
I generally take over with our son the second I walk in the door because I want to. If I’m too tired or want to chill/rest/shower/read, he will pick up the slack but it can be a battle; other times, he does it without me even asking. Sigh… On the weekends, I usually want to do something FUN so I can get a mental break from work. (And I work maybe 4-8 hours about every other weekend also.) It is like pulling teeth to get him to go somewhere on the weekend except that Sundays we do go to our non-denominational worship service. He is a homebody. About the only thing he likes doing outside of the house is going to the movies (hard with a two-year-old), going shopping (which I like too but money is a little tight and so we can’t just buy whatever we want), and going out to eat (which I like too, who doesn’t, but again…money.) I like everything: running, cycling, hiking, museums, the zoo, picnics, the beach, a walk, whatever. He never plays outside with our son (but looks fit due to good genetics and working out most of his life).
What would you think I should expect from him as far as domestic stuff and doing fun stuff with me during this time period when he has no job and does not work?