Sigh, there is a law against everything

Even shooting missiles indoors. Now I am going to have to go outside to see if my Harpoon ( AGM-84 Harpoon/SLAM - Smart Weapons ) works!

from the article:
“The parishioner was cited for using a missile indoors and the pastor was cited for aiding and abetting. Both were fined $109.”


You call *that *a missile? Now this, this is a missile.

yeah yeah. just because your missile has more throwweight than mine, it is such a big deal…

Someone’s been resurrecting old Monty Python skits.

God damn liberals.

I once sort of accidentally dropped a water balloon on a car full of Black Muslims (Farrakhan’s followers) and the cop that showed up informed me that throwing a water balloon technically violated the city’s anti-missile law. Luckily, the cop was Asian, and so was able to defuse the situation and convince the gentlemen that it was an honest mistake. Or at least, that it wasn’t worth the time and trouble to press charges.

Pfft. WhatEVAR.

Here is a decent missile.

The pastor asked to have the arrow shot across the front of the church during a recent service at Pentecostals of Sheboygan County as a ‘teaching tool.’

Ah… arc of the covenant.

I knew someone was going to post that shot. :slight_smile:
for some reason, I have never heard the Saturn V referred to as a missile. Always a rocket.
but if you are looking for throwweight or range, it can’t be beat.

Off-topic nit-picking here, but many “Black Muslims” are not part of the Nation of Islam which Farrakhan leads.