Silliest thing you've done recently.

For two days, I’ve been obsessing over a discrepancy of $2.06 between my household spreadsheet and my checking account. Then I remembered a movie I’d rented from Amazon for 1.99 which left only a nagging little discrepancy of .07.

So I went to the back door, took a nickel and two pennies out of my pocket, and threw them in the grass. What else could I do?

And you?

I got a new day planner. Sadly, the brand we carry at work is called “The Happy Planner”. So I found the least happy looking one we sold and changed it to say, “This [del]Happy[/del] Sarcastic Planner belongs to…” and “Plan a [del]Happy[/del] Cynical Life”.

Silly, but it made me feel better.

I got married sixteen years ago. And 4 days.

Stopped at a stop sign. Sat there waiting for it to change until the guy behind me honked.

Was making open-faced fried-egg sandwiches for me and my wife recently. I wanted ketchup on mine, she did not want ketchup on hers. When the two slices of toast were ready, I put ketchup on one slice, and suddenly remembered she didn’t want ketchup, and said as much out loud. At that point a smart person would have simply not put ketchup on the remaining slice of toast, but my brain had already locked onto the idea that that first slice was the toast for her sandwich, and I had tragically screwed it up - so then I went ahead and also put ketchup on the second slice of toast, because that was the toast for my sandwich, and I wanted ketchup.

We have a new [industrial] tape dispenser at work that I absolutely hate (compared to the old one). So the other day at the end of my shift, I wrote on a “post it” note: “Sniff… Grrr! hates me!” and stuck it on the tape dispenser.
The next day, when I came back on shift, someone else had stuck another note on there: “It’s okay. Everyone else still loves you.”

For the last couple weeks I couldn’t find the dongle for my wireless Logitech keyboard/pad. It is normally stored in a compartment under the battery lid on the underside of the keyboard.

I took the lid off and no dongle! I thought of all the gear it had been plugged into in recent months*. Searched all those, various USB hubs, stuff it had no business being plugged into, all around on the floor of places I might have left it, etc.

I even did a once-in-a-millennia cleaning of my desk looking for it.

I was desperate. A new dongle isn’t as cheap as one would expect. May as well get a new mouse that comes with one and have a spare wireless mouse.

Of course, being doubly sure I repeatedly checked the compartment under the keyboard just to be really, really sure.

On Sunday I checked the compartment again. While putting the lid back on I happened to hold the lid at a different angle from before. There was the dongle. It was attached to the lid like it was supposed to, not just lying in the compartment.

Somehow I forgot about the holder in the lid and never glanced at the underside of the lid all those many times before.

I’ve written “(checkmark) lid” in the compartment so I don’t go thru this again.

  • I’ve got Raspberry Pis, FireTVs, etc. One keyboard to rule them all.

Got into a family Nerf gun war while visiting a couple of weeks ago. Kids and grandkids and grandpa right in the middle of it. The youngest working as ammunition resupply to the “adults” and older kids. Just silly fun.

After watching 'Guardians of the Galaxy and in particular the closing credits scene, I had this shipped across the pond.

Taped a picture of my smiling mug over my wife’s back up camera the other morning as I left for work. She didn’t notice it till she was backing out of a parking spot later that morning. At first she thought I was standing behind her car till she realized she would have backed over me. Got a text message from her, “Haha, very funny”.

This morning I wrapped packed and labelled a gift, got all my stuff together, leashed the dog, headed out to Post Office.

When I was tying the dog up, in front I realized I had everything, glasses, package, poopbags, house key…but no wallet! Doh!

When we got home it was right there on the table where I had put it, where I’d picked up my keys, eyeglasses, etc! Doh!

Feeling very silly indeed!

I thought for sure the wallet was going to be in the package you mailed.

Sadly, when your lawnmower finds the $0.07 again, it’s going to cost rather more than that to fix the blade!

As for me, I posted a silly comment on a message board which will mean I get home from work a bit later than I should.

I was stark ass-nekkid in my backyard Saturday morning. The boy dogs got in a bitey kerfluffle while I was in the shower and Ms. Shark screamed for help; I leapt out of the shower, wrapped a towel around me and bolted into the yard.

While pulling the boys apart my towel fell off and I yelled “help! I’m naked!!” the Ms. grabbed it and managed to throw it over my head. So the neighbors got to see a dog fight and a naked screaming 50yo lady running around with a towel over her head.

Dogs were fine (sound without fury), neighbors probably scarred for life :stuck_out_tongue:

umm,excuse me…but you seem to be telling a story about silliness involving a mixup of bread slices.
But, I dunno…me, well, I got stumped earlier in your post , and I’m still trying to comprehend the REAL silliness here:
Ketchup on eggs???

May Og have mercy on your soul…Because, in my kitchen, nobody else will. :slight_smile:

On Sunday I installed a door knob on an exterior door with the lock on the inside. I knew something was wrong, kept staring at it, but it didn’t hit me until I shut the door.

I’m not seeing the problem, but perhaps I’m reading it incorrectly.

I finally activated my samsung s7 that I got back in Feb. the S8 has since come out.

He’ll need to use keys to get OUT of his house.
I safety pinned all of the sheets on the wife’s side of the bed together and hid a bunch of donuts in her vanity. I was already not going to be home that night.

Right. Should have worded that a little better.