Silly cat stories

In a recent thread, I told a story about my cat Rex’s confusion over a new, second litterbox I recently put in the bathroom next to my bedroom. He doesn’t seem to realize that only “kitty business” should be buried in it. Instead, he brings small items from my bedroom to bury in the box as well.

First, it was a pair of my underwear, fetched from the dirty clothes basket. Then it was a dirty sock, from the same place. Then it was some packets of double-sided tape that I use to put up picture hangers (which I keep in a box on my bedroom floor). He frequently likes to play with stuff he finds in boxes that sit on the floor. I think the proximity of the new litter box has given him the idea that burying the items would be a good idea.

Last night, one of the cats threw an ossified piece of poop out of the box onto the bathroom floor. Before I had a chance to clean it up, Rex ran in with one of my bras in his mouth, retrieved from my laundry basket. He threw it over top of the poop nugget, then looked up at me as if he were seeking praise.

Today, when he got out of the new litter box, he must have had that “not so fresh feeling,” because he went into the small hallway between my bedroom and the bathroom and rubbed his butt on the carpet, leaving behind a long poopy stain. He does this maybe once a year, but the old litter box is in the utility room, where there is an easy-to-clean tile floor.

When I saw it, I yelled, “Bad Rex!” He looked ashamed and made digging motions like he was trying to cover up the stain with litter. Of course, that doesn’t work on wall-to-wall carpet.

I said, “Very bad Rex! Mommy’s very angry!” and I went to go check if I had any carpet cleaner in the house. (I didn’t.) When I came back, I found that Rex had dragged a dirty nightgown out of my clothes basket and was attempting to cover up the mess with it.

I’m getting rid of the new litter box tonight. I hope it ends this odd connection he seems to have developed between my laundry and his litter box. :stuck_out_tongue:

Isn’t there some “kitty rule” about posting pictures?
You, madam, will have surely stoked the wrath of the “Teeming Meow-llions.”

I have two cats, Oliver and Joey, and Oliver does not seem to understand exactly how to bury his poo. He goes in the box, then climbs out of it and spends a good five minutes scratching at the hardwood floor. After this show of attempting to bury it he walks away and Joey climbs in the box and buries it for him. Joey can’t stand anything that smells and feels the need to cover Oliver’s business for him.

That story reminds me of something funny my tabby Hanna did in the yard. (Note: she is not an outdoor cat, she only gets to go out when closely supervised) I called her to come to me and there was a pile of dog doo in the grass that I hadn’t picked up yet and as Hanna ran over to me she had to jump over the dog doo. When she landed she stopped all of a sudden and tried to bury the pile of dog doo!

PS - When a cat scoots it may mean the anal glands are clogged.

I know. Tonight. I’m posting from work right now.

Pretty sure it’s not an anal gland problem, because he just got back from the vet.

Yay! Kitty stories!

-prepares to giggle more-

Yep, add this to the list of “why no cat for gigi”. :wink:

Ralph steals all of my cloth covered hair elastics and puts them in his food bowl.

I thought this was annoying but suddenly I am greatful that he chooses the food bowl over the litter box.

My cat Julius vomited all over the carpet while I was at work the other day. I’m cleaning it up…okay friskies…science diet…what’s this, fettucine?

We don’t have pasta at my house. Mainly because it’s one of the only foods over which I have no control in terms of portions. So my first thought was, “where did Julius get fettucine and why didn’t he share any of it with me?”

I figured out the “fettucine” this morning when I heard him scrabbling at the back of my closet and went to investigate. My parents bought a whole bunch of belts for me the last time they were in India (that I never use). A whole bunch of them have these dangly leather straps shaped exactly like fettucine that are supposed to hang off the hip like I’m bloody Shakira or something…well you get the drift.

My cat has basically ate through 10 leather beaded belts.

My other cat, C.C., likes to eat inedible things. Especially cottony things.

I have a scarf collection. Many of the scarves have silk or wool tassels on the ends. I store the scarves in a basket that I used to keep on my dresser…until I found out that C.C. was making it a habit to nap in the scarf basket, and relax by chewing off all the decorative tassels on my scarves.

"Dear Mom and Dad,

Thanks for the belts. They are delicious and the cats just love them!"


Wow, bad grammar there…my cat ATE through 10 leather/beaded Shakira-style belts.

I hate when I re-type the verb and then forget to make other necessary changes.

I have more-about the three cats my parents have at their house. Only 2 of them are really interesting though…

a) Limbu-a gigantic cream tabby of indeterminate age. Temperament, phlegmatic. Will make himself scarce when he senses a nail clipping, but gives in with good grace once caught (generally while trying to stuff himself under a couch) as if to say “I say, if you must…damn troublesome it is, this whole business.” Limbu is pretty obviously British circa P.G. Wodehouse and would dress in a top hat and tails if he could.

General house sentry and head sahib. Is the only cat who knows how to hunt mice (the other 2 are pathetically scared of them), which is good because my parents live in a woodsy foresty part of MA and we always have some that creep in.

Limbu is interesting in that he has a particular fetish for peeing on purses and laptop bags. Nothing else. Just purses and laptop bags. My dad travels on business all over the US and was complaining for a while about how people don’t toilet train their children properly because everywhere he went in the airport, he smelled urine. I mean, to the point where my father was calling me FROM airports, whispering about how Americans just let their small children smell like pee. A few months later he caught Limbu pissing peacefully on his laptop bag and realised it wasn’t the Youth of Today whatsoever…it was HIM. HE WAS THE SOURCE OF THE PEE SMELL. Mortified, he asked his cow-orkers why they had never told him. They uncomfortably replied that they assumed he was having urological problems.

Sometimes when I go home I leave him a Coach catalogue to look at late at night.

b) Goondoo: now he’s very interesting in that not only is he not bright, I think he may be mildly delayed. Goondoo is convinced that dirty laundry is just super soft kitty litter there for his pee and pooping pleasure. This is why all the laundry baskets in our house are upside down, with the laundry trapped underneath, like a vicious animal. We often forget to warn our guests as to why we have upside down laundry baskets (no hampers don’t work, he squirms inside them) and that to properly dispose of laundry in our house, you have to delicately lift the edge of the basket, and stuff your underwear in quickly and then trap it inside. Before my sister got married my aunt and cousins went around turning all the laundry baskets right side up and Goondoo had a real field day taking a crap all over our bras and sari petticoats.

Yes, we are pretty much crazy cat people.

Your dad or the cat?

My kitty, who is a horrible monster basically, takes great delight in rubbing his paws on textured things. He comes into my bedroom at least once a day and rubs his paws on my wicker hamper, and every time he goes into my parents’ room, he rubs his paws on this crocheted purse of my mom’s or a woven leather purse that is also hers. He’s declawed (see the fact that he’s a horrible monster), so he’s probably just leaving scent markings behind, but it’s only on woven textured things.

He also takes great joy in grooming his humans, especially if he can get close enough to lick the end of your nose. I like to think of it as a kitty kiss, but I know he probably just likes to the taste of salt on our skin.

I have to admit, though, that I’m kind of insulted when he jumps on the kitchen table and tries bury Mexican food. I mean, he licks his own butt. What room does he have to comment on the way the burritos smell?

Our cat Uno was doing the strangest thing yesterday. She discovered the end piece that had broken off a spoon rest. She had scooped it out of the towel basket and was batting it around the kitchen floor. That was not so unusual but she was meowing, mewing and trilling at it in high volume.

I don’t think I have even heard her meow before. She was going nuts over this little piece of plastic. It was the strangest thing. She kept at it for a least twenty minutes until it finally flew under the fridge.

Our other cat Beastie is the class clown of the house. We get laughs on daily basis from this cat from outer space. I have had cats all my life but this guy is a special kind of strange.

A couple weeks ago he was sitting in the kitchen and decided out of no where that his back feet were foriegn objects. He started biting his own back feet which made him keep falling over. It also caused his back feet to kick himself in his own face.

Grab back feet with front feet, bite feet, fall over, feet respond in bunny kicks to his own face. Rinse and repeat. It was like he was pissed that his own back feet were kicking him the face so he was returning the aggression by biting them.

My daugher and I just watched in amazement and the more we laughed the more pissed off he got. At one point he dashed at me, wrapped his front and back paws around my leg, tried to bite my pant leg and then dashed off to attack his own feet again. I guess he thought it was my fault that his feet were out of control.

I wish I had grabbed the camera and got video of it. We were just so shocked and in awe watching this idiot that I did not think about it at the time. If he does it again I am going to record it.

Moving thread from IMHO to MPSIMS.

I’ve often thought that Smokey’s tail has a life all its own - apparently, now she does as well. She’s taken to chasing her tail, round and round, she can never quite get it - it keeps eluding her grasp. I thought only dogs did this.

Can someone please explain to me why Wally (9 month old male kitten) must track down and carry around either a dirty running sock of mine or else one of my running gloves? This morning he knocked my purse off the counter to get into the purse to get a glove.


I don’t know if this counts as silly, but one day recently I was standing in the kitchen with my cat Whitley, who was on the floor. There was a moth flittering around the ceiling light and Whitley was watching it like prey. He watched it for so long that I lifted him up so he could get a better look.

I swear this is true: he tracked the moth with his eyes, then stood up in my arms and caught it. If you ask me, that’s some kind of Jedi action.

My cat Ominous found a plastic ring from something and was batting it all over the floor. One especially firm bat later and the ring shot into the air and landed in the wood box. Ommy didn’t see where it went and spent some time prowling about searching. Finally Mr Bathsheba decided to show him some mercy and fished the ring out of the wood box. Ommy swiped it out of Mr Bathsheba’s hand before either of us could blink and went back to batting it about. This time though, again without Ommy seeing, the plastic ring shot under a rug. Ommy sat up, thought about it for a moment…then walked over and checked the wood box.