silly dedication to one's political beliefs (Bush related)

And where exactly did I say that anyone should be given a “free pass”? Problem is, as things stand now, that other than Tenet falling on his sword, and the ensuing and rather desperate attempts to scapegoat the intelligence community, people like you are the ones willing to give Dumbya & Co said free pass in the form of a vote for continuity. Nice.

For a refresher course on all the Bushit, just in case you’ve ‘conveniently forgotten’ the Iraq Invasion Marketing Campaign: Iraq On The Record

You mean all those countries that made up the Security Council and gave Dumbya the green light to go ahead and invade Iraq on the basis of all his Bushit?

Oh, wait…that didn’t happen, did it?

Revisionist history is, indeed, a bitch.

Not to belabor the obvious, but you’re sorta missing the point, duffer.

Bush got the American people to support an invasion of Iraq by telling them that Saddam had biological and chemical weapons, was soon to have nuclear weapons, was a real and present danger to the U.S., was supporting terrorism, and was probably in cahoots with Al Qaeda. Turns out that none of these things was true. History’s sure is a bitch, ain’t it?

He got the Congress to go along with his war plans by telling them the same things. If the members of Congress wanted to check out these claims, they could turn to, well, to whom? Members of the Bush administration, of course. No choice. Congress doesn’t have its own intelligence service. There is no “shadow” State Department. And those executive branch folks told the members of Congress pretty much the same fairy tales.

I can’t really blame Congress for the Iraq fiasco. They were bamboozled like the rest of us.

And why is it “kinda funny”? Do tell.

Yes, you are. You perv.

Early Out you really are wrong. Bush didn’t force a war. He went on what the intel said. Some of the intel was provided by Britain. As well as France and Russia in a lesser extent. All of this was presented to the UN and Congress. The UN addes yet another sanction against Iraq, and Congress voted overwhelmingly to use force. This was not the action of one man.

WMD not found? Well, 40 years after WWII the Allies were discovering weapons Hitler had stashed. And central Europe is much less isloated than the Iraqi desert. Take that for what you will.

I support Bush and will vote for him in Nov. But as I’ve said in previous posts, even I don’t think he’s powerful enough to bring down the Republic. The US is too strong to be dismantled by any one administration.

Of course not. How could he possibly ignore the fact that Iraq attacked the U.S.? Oh, wait.

All of it dead wrong.

All of it based on the same faulty, unreliable sources (forged documents, Chalabi’s stooges).

Which refused to go along with a military action, for good reason.

Which was misled by the faulty intelligence, and which it had no way of independently verifying.

I take it as the cry of the truly desperate.

And Bush & co were warned by the CIA that the British intelligence was false.

On the assumption that you’ve pulled this from some right-wing blog rather than simply inventing it, cite?

Yes, it was. We now know that it was complete bullshit.

No, congress did not vote so. What congress voted to approve was this:

They didn’t vote “overwhelmingly to use force”, the stupid assholes handed Bush the loaded gun, and (I assume) expected him to use it sensibly. Bush grabbed the loaded gun and started firing wildly. Congress bears some blame for this, but it does not exonerate Bush.

You’re quite correct. Bush had a number of other fools to assist him. Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Perle, Feith, Woolsey. All of them stupid venal assholes. But you’re correct, it wasn’t just Bush.

:rolleyes: Whatever.

It’s not a matter of power, it’s a matter of stupidity and complete and utter incompetence. I guess you like Bush coz he’s just like you. That ain’t enough to guarantee the survival of the Union.

Yup, I’m desperate. You’ve exposed me for the powerbroker that I am. :rolleyes:

Just one problem with your arguments. They have as much sway in the world arena as mine. Unless you have material that trumps what is bandied about in the highest levels of world politics, it’s little more than your opinion. Get over it. Be pissed, it’s your right. But don’t expect to be so far above the rest of us as to be privy to things most won’t know. Sometimes it’s better for a government to have a few secrets.

Man, and this is after 3 days of taking the left-wing poster’s with a grain and seeing their points. Thanks for setting me straight Desmo. Judging what you’ve said about Bush, and saying I’m the same, I’ll take it as a personal attack. You warm, fuzzy, accept-all kinda guy you! Bush is just like me? Considering what you’ve said about Bush in the past means you think the same about me.

Well, Fuck you, too! You’re too much a pile of shit to get worked up over. DTC, Reeder and Elucidator have taught me not to take anything too personally IRL. You’re little more than a blip on the screen at this point

All Hail The Leader! Do NOT question The Leader, for he is infinitely wiser than we! He is privy to Double Secret Information!

The “well, they must know what they’re doing” argument is a sure path to disaster. Just look at where it’s gotten us lately.

Goddammit, forgot I was in the Pit. Flame away. I’ll backtrack to forums that matter. (No, leaving is not a concession). Try another tact.

And if you can’t manage that, how about some simple courtesy? Maybe even a dash of politesse?

Oh, wait – this is the Pit. Flame on.

It’s never dishonorable to retreat in the face of overwhelmingly superior forces.

And in The Pit, tact is rarely called for, and even more rarely practiced.

You ought to follow your own advice since:

1-Spouting the same old tired Party Line.

2-Having it shot down immediatedly and as a result,

3-Getting indignant, flinging a lame-ass insult or two in lieu of any sort of rebuttal


4-Fleeing with tail between legs…

…is not exactly a great ‘tact’ either.

Then again, I understand. You’ve got nothing else.


Not to be critical or anything, but I think you accidentally put an ‘i’ instead of an ‘a’.


You know, duffer, this was a moderately interesting and amusing thread until you hijacked with your rabid defense of Bush. OK, so you apparently think Bush is the greatest thing that happened to this country, and we should all get down on our knees and thank Jesus Christ, Himself that He saw fit to bless this country with such a marvelous and blessed leader (yes, I realize I’m probably exaggerating). I happen to disagree. On the other hand, people have been disagreeing with the idea that the current president is doing a wonderful job since the original George W., the guy who got stuck with the job of president the first time around.

Look, I’m an independent whose just realized that I remain royally sick of both major parties. I swear I might just see if I can locate a button which says “Vote Cthulu! Why settle for only the lesser of two evils?” People are going to disagree about Bush, just as they did about Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, and so on back to Washington. Get over it, please!

Oh, and Mockingbird, as the owner of one, I’d prefer Red Fury let the spelling stand. I may have a twat, but I assure you I’m not a twit.

Counting the days until yet another election is laid to rest, preferably with a stake through its heart! :rolleyes:

Honestly saw a plate on, of all things, a SUV that said “BUSH4MO”

Well, the real answer isn’t “No Bush didn’t lie”, and it’s not “there were other people to blame as well”. The real answer is that Bush took some hard steps, against strong opposition, and as a direct result, the world is a better place. The real answer is that in a few years the mideast will have one of it’s first real democracies, where people have basic freedoms and don’t live in fear, as they did for decades.


Can we please get back to talking about the silly person who hated Bush so much that he got a special license plate made to commemorate his ideas? I wonder if he named his kids Bush and Lied.

Probably a Volkswagen bus with flowers all over it and smoke coming from the windows. :smiley: