Politics, bumper stickers and idiocy

I’m driving home this evening and get behind a van for a flooring company which has some great bumper stickers. One reads “In Bush we trust, all others can go to hell!”. I’m still wondering “what the fuck?” three hours after seeing that bit of brilliance. The other bumper sticker proclaims “10 out of 10 terrorists agree: Anyone but Bush”.

Is that garbage supposed to further your views or get your candidate more votes? I’m saying this from neither a pro-Kerry or pro-Bush point of view, just simple lack of understanding. Can we go back to the days when the President getting a blowjob from an intern was a big deal?

Oh well, just my wasted rant but I worry about our nation these days.

The local races are even more malevolent, if that’s possible.

I was sorting through the mail and came across a slick, full color 8x10 flyer from the Republican Party here in Washington State. One the front is a smiling Nazi in full salute. Underneath it says “A Health Plan that ONLY he could love…”

On the other side there is a photo of the opposition candidate with evil, Mephistophelian smirk. I thought it was a joke at first glance – kind of like Triumph of the Will meets the National Lampoon.

And alienating roughly half of the public is a good business move…how?

Nobody where I work has any political stuff visible. We don’t want to risk pissing off a customer.

I’m in WA and I haven’t seen this one yet. When did it come out? Where, more or less, are you in the state? (Seattle metro, agricultural southeast, north end of I-5 corridor, etc.)

East side, Cervaise. Cheesed me off so much I actually emailed the candidate’s headquarters. They emailed back and said [very forcefully] that they had “NOTHING to do with it.” They claim to have no control over what the Republican Committee sends out and can’t even coordinate with them, under the law. Too bad too, cause this kind of thing isn’t doing their boy any favors. At least I sincerely hope it isn’t. :frowning:

Just for the record, your thread title could simply have been, “Politics and bumper stickers.” After that, mentioning “idiocy” is redundant.