Sims 2 functional dungeons & BDSM stuff

The LD GF loves her Sims 2, and yeah, likes to get freaky with her Sims, so she’s had me download stuff from Sexy Sims 2, InTeenimator, InSiminator,and InSimAdult. Now she wants a functional dungeon, torture devices, whips & chains, etc. SXS2 is down for maintenance right now & I can’t seem to find any of that stuff. There are dungeon sets w/shackles but those seem to be purely decorative, rather than functional, so please help me get the GF supplied before she gets the branding irons after me! :smiley:

The things I do… :rolleyes: :eek: :smiley:

I wonder if Evil Captor might know?

For a moment, I thought EA had just announced a new expansion pack :smiley:

Weren’t you the big God Fearin man on the boards? (Or does god-fearin and a penchance for BDSM go hand in hand…? Hm…)

Hey, I have a friend who likes to get weird with her Sims & I’m asking for some help in finding stuff for her. This is the same friend that I also ask on here for advice on computers, alternative medicine, & gaming. And yeah… I’m a religious guy. So what?

Wouldn’t EA totally clean up if it did! She wonders why they don’t either do it themselves or license it out.

there are a few legitimate torrents you can download along those lines though I doubt there are any functional s&m dungeons I woulnt be shocked.

the downloads contain some pretty freaky stuff, I went looking for my school teacher aunt who plays like mad. let me tell ya I was more than a little surprised when I saw the teenage girl wearing what appeared to be electrical tape that wasnt covering most of the naughty parts.

:slight_smile: Nah, I just thought it was humorous. Can’t help with the question though.

The real question is, do Sims have safe words? Seriously, from my experience with the original game I’d be afraid they’d kill each other or themselves in a dungeon. :eek:

Wouldn´t it be a restriction pack?

OK- sorry, I thought you were being snarky.

Sorry, not up on Sims stuff. The Poser community has a WEALTH of stuff along these lines, but it’s not the same thing, of course.

Has she tried Dungeon Keeper 2? It’s not Sims-related; it’s a totally different game, and includes functional torture chambers (and dominatrices).
It was released back in 1999, which means that you may be able to find it cheap, but also means that it’s hard to get running properly on a modern operating system. When I tried it again earlier this year, it had unacceptable sound glitches, so I played it with the sound off, most of the time.