Since I'm here, I always wondered just how long you could make one of these thread ti

Answered that question in a hurry.
Dr. Watson
“Don’t try this at home, this man is a pathetic amateur.”

Now you need to try it using all "i"s and again using all "M"s, just to see if the font affects the size.

Gads, I hadn’t thought of that. There’s just no rest fer the curious around here . . .
Dr. Watson
“All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.” – E. A. Poe

I gotta call the techs, my “cyberslap” key is not working.

(Lucky for you, Dr. Watson.)

your humble TubaDiva
Quoth the Raven, “404.”


Dr. Watson
“Don’t try this at home, this pathetic amateur is a sick man.”
[Note: This message has been edited by TubaDiva]

Triple damn! Now I just found out how
people manage to stretch the damned threads
out from horizon to horizon.

I learns something new every day around here.

Sorry about that. It seemed like a good idea at the time . . .

Dr. Watson
“Wisely shutting up now.”

But Ma, I didn’t think he’d really do it. . . !

If Dr. Watson jumped off the cliff, would you go right behind him?

your humble TubaDiva

Nope. However, the preceding suggests that if I dared him to jump off a cliff, we might have to look for his body on the rocks, below. I just wanted to deny my culpability as an agent provocateur, (even if I was guilty). :wink:


And from the acorn, a mighty oak . . .
Some folks think it’s easy bein’ a fool.
Anyway, what’s the limit on uninterrupted characters before the damned thing decides to take yer post coast to coast? Or was it something else that triggered the horizontal explosion?
Dr. Watson
“Village Idiot’s Apprentice.”

I wanna saw 80 characters, but that may or may not be right.

your humble TubaDiva

I wanna SAY 80 characters, too.

your humble TubaDiva

I saw more than 80 characters too, so I’m gonna guess that what you say you saw is as close to the answer as I need to be.

I promise, in the future, never to try to take Tom up on his jokes. The fella can be downright hazardous to a man’s reputation, bandying about that kind of internally referential irony without even sendin’ up a signal flare . . .

Dr. Watson
"Recent Graduate, ‘tomndebb University of Gotcha!’. "

[Note: This message has been edited by TubaDiva]

Louie, please don’t do this again.

your humble TubaDiva
who is fixing this thread one more time and then probably closing it, because I’m irritated.